10. The Brutal Accident

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The concert tonight was pretty exhausting. But who am I kidding? Of course, all their concerts drained them of their energy but somehow always gave them a sort of satisfaction and peace knowing that they didn't leave any stone unturned.

'Jungkook-ah hurry up!!' Jimin whined as he waited for Jungkook to pack his bag. The maknae and Jimin had to leave in one car so he couldn't leave without Jungkook.

Taehyung and Jin were in another car, waiting in the parking lot. Hoseok and Namjoon was together. Manager Sejin was actually supposed to go with Namjoon; Hoseok and Yoongi were supposed to be in a separate car but Hoseok said that he wanted to discuss something with their leader on their way back so Sejin and Yoongi ended up together.

'Coming hyung!'

Jungkook waddled down the corridor, meeting Jimin at the end of it.

They both got in their cars and finally all 4 cars set out. Namjoon and Hoseok were the first ones to have hopped in the car so their one was at the front. Then Yoongi and Sejin, then Jin and Tae and at the end were Jimin and Jungkook's car. It was already 1 am.

'Jin hyung's birthday is coming'

'Jin hyung's birthday is coming'

They both stared at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter, at how the two 94-liners spoke the same thing at the same time.

'You say first,' Hobi urged

'Umm so, hyung's birthday is coming. I had actually thought about giving him his own studio now, what do you think?'

'Oh that's an amazing idea Joon!'

'Really? Then that's great! I had talked with Yoongi hyung about this and he said it was good. I think that big room in the corner of our floor would be perfect for him.'

'Ah that would be brilliant! I would love to help!' Hobi chirped happily, 'Well for me, I was thinking of making a small song dedicated to him. Sounds good?'

'Of course it does! Well we can do a simple choreo with it as well right? He would be thrilled!'

They laughed and chattered. They were always very close to each other, being the same age. And both being kind of like the middle children in the group, Hoseok could help Namjoon a lot with the leadership since he understood his situation quite well.

But then...

There was a loud crash...


I was discussing our upcoming schedules with Sejin hyung when our driver suddenly spoke a little loud, almost yelling.

'Oh no! It's gonna hit them!'

A bit confused, we looked ahead for a short while when it finally clicked.

There was a big truck, probably carrying construction materials at this late hour. It was coming from the left side, straight towards the car in front of them- Namjoon and Hoseok's! It could hit them any second, they didn't seem to have noticed the huge vehicle coming from the side but Yoongi just stared in horror. He didn't know how to react, his mind was blank.

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