6. Allergic Reaction

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Quick Disclaimer- The allergy mentioned here is totally imaginary. It has been influenced by RM's likes and dislikes but the allergy is not something he is confirmed to have.

Enjoy reading!! :)

'Ah finally, it's done!' Yoongi heaved a sigh of relief.

'Oh I feel so relaxed now,' Namjoon spoke, plopping himself on one of the chairs.


They turned their heads. Bang PD?

'Sir, you here?'

'Of course. You all just finished the recording for the title track of your next album. So I thought that this needs a celebration!'


'Yep. And because you haven't been to the States for a while now........' he spoke gesturing with his hand to bring in the snacks and the staff brought 7 trays to the room. 

'I thought of giving you a treat on THIS!'

The trays were filled with burgers, fires, crispy chicken and all those authentic food from the West that the boys were missing so much! The members had eyes wide open and their mouth already watering.

They were too hungry to even waste a second and with a quick 'Thank you PD-nim!' and 'You are the best!' , they started gobbling the food. The Big-Hit founder  smiled fondly at them and left the room to let them enjoy the moment.

'Guys, this is the best burger I've had in a long while!!' Taehyung exclaimed as they all devoured the snacks on their plates. 

Namjoon tasted something strange but couldn't really catch what. He finished his burger anyways.

'Let's go to the beach after this! What say?' Jungkook offered.

'Oh yeah, that would be awesome!!!' Taehyung immediately squealed thinking about the calm sea in the night.

The others chattered about what they wanted to do in the short break of 3 days before the week of the comeback. Their title track was the last in the album to get recorded. 

Namjoon, on the other hand, started to feel awful. He could feel his breathing get heavier and his stomach hurting in a weird way. His skin became pale. He stood up from the table, clutching his chest,  trying to breathe.

'Namjoon-ah, what happened?' Yoongi asked, confused

'You alright?' Jin stood up as well, standing beside the leader

'H-hyung,' he pointed to his plate, 'F-fis-' 

Before he could end his words, his eyes clouded with darkness and he lost balance. Jin quickly held him but when his entire body weight was on him, the eldest couldn't help but slowly kneel down with Namjoon in his arms. He gently positioned Namjoon so that his back was leaning against Jin's chest for support. He had already passed out.

'NAMJOONIE HYUNG!' Jimin yelled as he rushed to this side of the table.

'I think he wanted to say fish!' Jungkook  spoke

'Oh no! His allergic reaction! He already has high fever!' Hoseok crouched down and checked his friend.

It was late night so there wouldn't be much people out on the streets which meant there would be 0 to no risk of being identified. So the members took RM to the hospital. They knew that his allergy intensity to seafood was way more than other minor allergies the members had. He could get really sick very fast.

'Hyung, hurry up! Namjoonie hyung isn't waking up. His temperature's rising and he has become really pale.' Tae called out to Sejin from the back. 


'I think you all already know but I still would repeat it. His allergy is quite severe than most other patients that I have. He needs to avoid seafood at all costs. You guys should have been more careful. How can anyone serve him seafood? You could have lost him if he was brought even few minutes later. I hope you understand and please take care of him. He is fine now. He can leave once he is awake.' 

'We are sorry doctor-nim. We'll take care of it in the future. Thank you.' Suga passed a small smile but the doctor just patted his back and left, disappointed.

Namjoon was sleeping with an oxygen mask. They waited around him. They were so upset that they let this happen. They should have been alert. Something serious could have happened.


Hobi passed a glass of water as he was standing right beside the bed-side table. 

'Hyung, I'm fine now. Let's go!' Namjoon chirped

'Gosh I didn't know 148 IQ means excited to go home...' Yoongi muttered.

'Home? What about our beach plan?' 

'Are you crazy hyung? You are getting discharged from the HOSPITAL! You are unwell, we can't go there now. You need to rest!' Jimin spoke

'No wae (why)!! I wanted to go!'

'No means no Namjoon-ah. We are going to the do-'

'Hyung please!!! Please please please!' the leader pleaded to his oldest hyung with his unavoidable puppy eyes 

'Aish! Fine but nobody can get in the water, understood?'


Of, course they understood. Very well indeed. 

That is why Jin stood at the shore with a -_- face while Jungkook and  Taehyung were chasing Jimin in the water. Namjoon was literally looking for crabs in the dark. The three older ones just stood in the sand.

'Yah! Stop now! You'll fall in the water, then catch cold!' Hoseok shouted at the maknaes who just played deaf

'HEY STOB IT!' Jin yelled.

But the ever so ignorant maknaes who didn't care at all, instead came and dragged them to the water. 

At the end, they were all running and tumbling in the beautiful sea water. They were laughing and giggling, sharing golden moments. As for Suga? Well he simply stood there in the middle looking as if he had just paid a visit to hell!


Thank you!!! :) :)

I would still repeat, don't take the allergy issue too seriously. I just came up with it since he doesn't like seafood.

Keep your patience and belief please. I am working on some interesting oneshots so you'll get to read them soon. 

Till then, sending loads of love your way and may you have fantastic days ahead!! :)

Love you!!

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