Love Triangle

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Misako's POV :

Morning just came and we were all at breakfast.


Except for Lloyd and Akita.

"Where are those two?" Garmadon asked.

"I'll go call them." I said.

But then I saw Akita running to me in her wolf form.

She quickly ran to me and she moved her paws towards me, as if..

she was afraid.

"Akita,what's wrong?Where's Lloyd?" I asked.

She kept whining and pulled my sleeve with her mouth.

"Akita,tell us!!What's going on?!" Garmadon asked.

But Akita kept whining and kept trying to pull me.

"Ok,Akita.Just calm down and show us." I said.

She then ran back to Lloyd's room.

Garmadon and I looked at each other and we immediately went to our son's room. When we arrived, we couldn't see Lloyd anywhere.

"Akita.Where's Lloyd?" I asked and she turned back.

"I...I don't know.I only just woke up and when I looked, Lloyd wasn't here.I thought he was with you at the kitchen having breakfast." Akita answered and we were all getting worried.

"We better go find him!" I said.

"Let's go!" Garmadon said.

"I'll go with you." Akita said.

I was about to agree, but Garmadon beat me to...

the opposite of it.

"No.You just stay here!I knew I shouldn't have trusted you with my son!!" Garmadon shouted.

"Garmadon,Akita and Lloyd were sleeping!How were they suppose to know what happened to Lloyd?!" I questioned.

But he was already running. I sighed and turned to Akita. 

"You can come to." I told her.

Then we both went after Garmadon.

Akita's POV :

After I told Lloyd's parents that their son had gone missing, they quickly ran out of the room and I ran to the kitchen.

"Guys!!We gotta help Lloyd's parents!!" I told them.

"What's wrong,Akita?!" Wu asked.

"I'll tell you on the way!!Hurry!!" I said and ran, they all followed me.

We caught up with Lloyd's parents and I told them everything that happened.

I could tell they were worried. 

"We must find him before something happens!" Wu said.

"But where could he be?!" Jay asked.

"Maybe we can look at the village again." Nya suggested and we all suddenly stopped.

"Of course!" Lloyd's father said.

"Garmadon?" Wu asked.

"Harumi must have taken him!!" Garmadon shouted and quickly ran.

We all followed him.

At Harumi's Village

"Where is that witch?!" Lloyd's father asked and began busting into houses.

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