Lloyd X Akita ?

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Harumi's POV :

After they took Lloyd away from the village, I decided to get out of there and try to make my way to the Monastery. But I knew that Garmadon would never let me be anywhere near his son. So I decided to go somewhere else and try to come up with a strategy to get away with Lloyd. I thought maybe if I went away with Lloyd a little longer than before, Garmadon would give me a chance. I went to the Birchwood Forest and went in the tree house place. I sat on the bed and started planning.

"Wait for me,Lloyd.I'm coming." I murmured.

Lloyd's POV :

After my mom told me to go to my friends with Akita, I asked her if she wanted to prank them. She said she'd love to. So I told her the plan.

"Ready?" I whispered.

"Ready." She answered and transformed into a wolf.

"Ninjas!Come to the training field!" I called, trying to make myself sound like Wu.

Akita ran to the training field while I was waiting in front of the video game room.

"Come on,guys!Master Wu just called us!" I shouted and they came.

"We better go before Wu gets really angry.." Jay said nervously.

"Yeah,definitely don't want that." I replied and we went to the training field.

Once we arrived, I moved a bit to the side.

"Where is Master Wu?" Kai asked in confusion.

"I thought he called us here." Cole added.

"This could be the start of a training,we should be on our gua-" Nya said but was interrupted by Akita's growl.

"Aah!!" Jay screamed and Akita charged at them and started chasing them around the training field.

I laughed at the sight and cheered for Akita.

"Akita,Cole is on the roof!" I told her.

"Why did you-wait,Akita?!" Cole asked in shock.

Then Akita jumped to the roof and chased him.

"Lloyd,did you do this?!" Kai asked.

Just then, Akita jumped to Kai and started messing with his hair.

"Aah!!My hair,my hair!!Get off!!" Kai screamed 

I laughed at the sight and when Akita ran to me, I fell on my back.

"Akita,you're suppose to get them,not me!" I laughed.

She barked and licked my face.

"Akita..!" I laughed and she got off me.

I stood up and my friends were looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You were behind this?!" Jay asked.

"Maybe,maybe not." I answered.

My friends started charging at me but I dodged them all. But eventually,..

"Gotcha,little Green Machine!" Cole declared.

Way too soon.

Akita jumped to Cole and got him off of me.

"Thanks,Akita." I thanked and laughed.

"So,little greenie has a girlfriend now?" Nya teased.

"No longer single?" Kai teased.

Akita and I blushed and tried to hide our faces.

The ninja laughed and Kai messed my hair up. Akita growled.

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