•• Chapter Seven ••

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  Vivian paced around her room

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  Vivian paced around her room. Looking underneath all of her things. The blankets, her book shelfs, all the cracks and corners. She was going crazy. She was supposed to be ready for dinner tonight. The annual dinner her and the Salvatore's had since she and Stefan had announced their relationship.

However, she had lost her pendent. The very special one both Stefan and Damon had gifted to her for her birthday. It was a soft gold with flowers embroidered on the front. She had fallen in love with it and vowed to never take it off. Except when she slept. But when she woke up this morning, it had disappeared. And she was frantically looking around for it.


Hearing her name being called, she ignored it. Knowing it was her father, she knew he was growing impatient with her. They were to arrive soon. Not to mention, his doctor friend was joining them as well. 
Standing in the middle of the room, she took a deep breath. Closing her eyes, she thought of the last place she could think of. Hoping that when she opened her eyes and looked their, her necklace would appear.


Hearing the familiar voice, she looks towards the door. Seeing Stefan, she sighed in defeat.

"I'm so sorry. I've lost my necklace and I can't go down until I find it." She says, going to the place she wanted before Stefan showed up. Getting down on her knees, she looks under her bed. And to her surprise, it was there, on the ground. She quickly grabbed it and stood up. Turning to Stefan, she smiles.

"Here. Let me help put it on." He says, walking towards her, she hands it to him and turns around. He places the cold chain on her exposed neck. She turns to face Stefan.

Their eyes meet. A laugh escape past her lips as she moves in, breaking the distance between them, their lips quickly connect. A spark bounces between them. And for a while, it's just the two of them. Everything else forgotten.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt...but you do know of there are gusts downstairs...?"

Pulling apart, Vivian playfully rolls her eyes as she nods. "Yes, Damon. I am. Let's go." She said, walking by him, but not without quickly giving him a kiss on the cheek. They follow after her down the stairs.

"Ah, nice of you to join us." Her father comments, standing beside his friend and Giuseppe with glasses in their hands. Dinner set and ready at the table.

"Sorry, father." She says, walking towards her chair, Stefan pulls it out for her and she sits. The
Others quickly joining her. Stefan and Damon on ether side of her.

"Anyway. How are you and Stefan doing?" He asks, digging into the food laid out on the plate. Vivian couldn't help but blush. For two years they've been able to keep their secret.

"We're good, father. We were actually planning a day away at the quarry. Tomorrow afternoon." She says, using her fort to push around her food.

"Wonderful." He says, with a small laugh. He turns his attention to his guests.

"A day at the quarry?" Stefan whispers over to her, smiling. Vivian nods mutely with a grin.


Dinner went on for a short while longer. Pointless conversation that Vivian had barely payed any attention to. When they were having their drinks, she began to get sleepy and wished the night would end so she could go to bed.
As she sits in her favorite chair by the fire, she could feel her head as it drops down, scaring herself a little, she jumps up, her eyes widening.

"Are you all right?" Damon asks, having been watching her drift in and out of consciousness.

"I—I'm..ju—just sleepy..." she slurred, as she lays back in her chair, her eyes are fully closed and soft snores past past her lips.

"Well, Stefan, would you mind helping my daughter up to her room then?" Her father asks, as he pours himself another drink, shaking his head.

"Of course." He says, standing up, he gently picks her up and brings her up to her room. He placed her on her bed and puts a knitted blanket over her. She stirs a little in her sleep, only turning on her side. Stefan gently brushes her hair out of her face.

"Stefan." The sound of Damon's voice suddenly fills the room. He enters with a glass of water.

"Is she okay?" He asks, placing the glass on the bedside table.

"She seems so. Perhaps she drank too much." Stefan says. Standing up from the bed.

"I guess so. Come on, father is waiting."

Sending one last glance towards Vivian, the two turn out the room. Leaving Vivian in her lonesome. Unaware of what was to happen once they left.

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