•• Chapter Sixty Four ••

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(Skipping to Season 4 episode 3)

(Skipping to Season 4 episode 3)

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"She'll hate herself if she feeds on a human."

"She's a vampire, Stefan; she needs human blood."

"No. I survived off animal blood. I can teach her to do it too."

Blah, blah, blah. Vivian had long ago escaped the constant and seemingly never ending battle between the brothers regarding Elena's delicate dilemma of human blood and animal blood, of becoming a killer or not. Vivian remembered her first kill. A too handys doctor got what was coming to him when the craving became too unbearable. She killed him and drank him dry, it was the best feeling she's ever felt.

She then learned control. She learned to feed only when she needed to, and since living with Stefan and Damon, the blood supply had been helpful and convenient. She only chose the alternative when she needed too.

As she listened to Stefan and Damon argue about Elena's options, Vivian knew that ultimately, it will be up to Elena to choose what she needs. And Vivian had a sinking feeling that no matter how much Stefan fought for his way, it wasn't for everyone.

"Vivian." A voice forced her to look away from the book she had been reading. When she had enough of Stefan and Damon, she retreated as far away from the house as she could, just enough so their voices were out of ear shot. She needed some peace; however, it seemed now her peace had ended.

"Elena?" Vivian said, raising her brow, she put a finger between the pages she was last on. The Gilbert girl stood in front of her. Her arms wrapped around her self, she shuffled on her feet and raised her hand to brush her hair behind her ear. She sighed and closed her eyes before she spoke.

"I need your help." She tells her, Vivian could fade the hesitation on her face.

"Really?" Vivian smirked, she tossed her book to the side and stood from the ground. "What's this about?"

"I—" Elena paused, Vivian smirked knowingly.

"You want blood." She says, like a statement. 

"Yes. Stefan's trying. I'm trying. I think I need human blood."

"I understand. You know Stefan's going to think Damon's had some type of influence on your decision."


"You know he'll hate himself a bit for it."

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