•• Chapter Fifty One ••

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Guys they're taking Vampire Diaries off Amazon Prime video! What am I gonna doooo??? I'm in Canada and it's not on Netflix or anything and I don't have hulu! Help!

I'm going to get as many chapters out as fast as I can before they break my heart!

The brothers turned Bonnie's mother into a vampire. Severing the witch bloodline Esther needed to complete the spell. Vivian waited outside of the witch house while it was done. She felt a wave of relief as soon as it was, like a weight lifted off her shoulder.
If it meant the spell wasn't complete, then that meant she was free from the spell that was unknowingly placed upon her by Klaus. If they were going to die, he was going to take her down with them.

Vivian didn't know why she had to be brought into his family affairs, however she was and thankfully things turned out okay. At least for her. After all was said and done she still had to find the book. And Enzo was still in danger. She needed to talk to Klaus. She needed to find the book and her witch was currently dealing with her vampire mother. So she needed another way to figure out her problem. 

After all the thinking she's been doing, she was too caught up in her own mind to hear Stefan and Damon's conversation upstairs. She grabbed a glass and filled it half way with a dark liquor. The fire crackled and she slowly made her way to one of the chairs close to the flames.
The ice clinks against the glass as she twirled the cup in her hands, the sound of another heart beat and a floor creaking caught her attention easily, she turned her head to the side and caught a glimpse of Stefan as he walked towards her.

"What a day, huh?" He said, as he sat in the chair. Vivian hummed in response and took a sip of her drink. She gently moved her hand and offered some to Stefan. He denied her and sighed.

"The spell is off, right? So you're in the clear." He says, though it sounds like he's asking a question, he's stating a fact. 

"I guess so. Another day, another problem solved." Vivian says, "Another vampire added to town." Her words regarding Bonnie and her mother were a little uncalled for, but it's what happened. And they can't change what they've done.

"We did what we had to do." Stefan says. "If we let Esther get away with it—"

"Me and our fan club would be gone. In hindsight, perhaps—" Vivian stopped her train of thought.

"Perhaps we should have let her do it." Stefan says, completing her thought. She took a sip of her drink. "I've heard crazier things from Damon."

"Yeah, well. Maybe he's onto something." Vivian says, dryly.

"You can't—I can't have you thinking like that."

Vivian raised a brow, "I don't know what to do to stop it. I just keep thinking, if I don't find this book, if I don't stop my father from getting what he wants, my death will be quick." She lets her mind spill out, her eyes glance towards Stefan, who's already looking at her. She nearly drops her glass as Stefan leans forward and places his lips onto her's to stop her from continuing.

When they pull apart, their foreheads touch and Vivian catches her breath that's been taken away. "We'll find the book. And everything will be okay." Stefan says. Vivian smiles as she stands up from the chair, holding out her hand to Stefan, they speed away up to his room.

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