•• Chapter Twenty ••

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( two years before Damon,) The Augustine Society

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( two years before Damon,)
The Augustine Society.

Vivian groaned as she slowly regained conciseness. Her head throbbed as she sat up. Her eyes quickly adjusting to the dimly lit room. Her heart hammered in her chest as she listened to it in her ears.
She had no idea how long she had been here. There were no windows or any light that could help her determine day or night. She was lost. In her mind, and to the world around her.
Stefan and Damon a distant memory now as she could think of nothing but freedom.

Lifting her heavy arm, the numbness becoming noticeable, she raised her other hand and inspected the marks on them. On her wrist, dried blood and new bite marks were shown.
Vivian sighed deeply. Shaking her head, she had been here long enough to guess that she was fed on again. And at the very thought, her own craving kicked in. Her stomach churned as she leaned back against the dirty brick walls.

"Are you all right?"

Blinking back, Vivian turned her head to the side. In the other cell, next to hers, the shadow of a figure sounded.

"I'm okay..." she whispered, not having much energy left to speak. She was tired. And just wanted it to end.

"What is this place?" He asked, hearing movement, Vivian watched wary as the man moved into the little light. His face and figure visible now.

"The Augustine Society. Are you new or something?" She asked, as she studied his face, she realized she's never seen him before.

"I was taken. I don't remember." He says.

"It's all right." She coaxed, kindly. Knowing the feeling of confusion. She just wished she had someone to do the same to her when she got here. She was the first.

"My name is Vivian. What's yours?"

The man held his head as he looked over to her. "Lorenzo St. John. How do we get out of here?" He asked.
Vivian smiled a broken smile. She's tried. When her powers are strong and she's in the right frame of mind, she's unstoppable. However, they've grown accustomed to her tricks.

"We can't." She whispered. Lorenzo looked up at her then. A determined look upon his scratched up face. The smell of his blood strong as she now starts to think of it. He was human. For now.

"We can sure as hell try." He tells her.


Present day.
Boarding house.
Next episode.


Vivian hummed to herself as she walked downstairs towards the cellar. The crave caused a headache and she knew they had blood down there and so she made her way.
As she did, however, her brow raised as she watched Elena sneaking around the corner.
Without saying anything, Vivian followed her.

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