•• Chapter Thirty One ••

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     Klaus speaks while sitting casually on one of the big trees stumps. Vivian beside Stefan with her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes dart around the area with caution. The situation was dire. She knew what was coming. And it was coming fast.
Just as her very thought had even finished, it wasn't long before Klaus took down ever last wolf. Leaving Ray shaking in his muddy boots.
"So this is your devious plan then? To creat...force others to be some sort of army of hybrid slaves, ringmaster?" Vivian asked, looking around the body's that linger the forest floor.
She knew what Klaus was capable of. She knew, and yet she stayed and part took in helping him without even thinking.

"Well, not slaves. Soldiers. Comrades."

"For what war, might I ask?" Said Stefan.

"Honestly,  You don't arm yourself after war had been declared, Stefan. You build your army so big that no one ever dares to pick the fight."

"What makes you so soft that they'll be loyal?" Vivian asked, "plenty have left your side before."

"You know all about that, darling. It's really not that difficult to be loyal when you're on the winning team." Klaus said, with a smirk.  "That's something you'll learn...when you shake that depressive chip off your shoulder."

"So that's why you're keeping me around?" Stefan said, as Ray sputtered and continued to shake, Klaus sat down beside him to check him. "To keep watch of my attitude adjustment?"

"You'll know why I'm keeping you around...when I've decided that I want you to know."

"You're keeping him on a need to know basis? That's rich." Vivian scoffed, "why aren't you throwing me to the wolves?" She asked, smirking to herself at the small joke. She watched amusingly as Stefan rolled his eyes at her. His head then turned to look at Ray.

"You, my dear, are a special case. Something's wrong." Said Klaus. Stefan bent down to inspect their prisoner.

"That shouldn't be happening, should it?" He asked, looking to his captor.

"Well, that's quite obvious, isn't it?"


Klaus was pissed, and Vivian and Stefan knew it. "Some master Race." He said, folding his arms over his chest. He smirked.

"Lose the attitude."

"Oh, you're in trouble." Vivian whispered, knowing she was heard anyway. From below them, Paige gasped awake. Klaus turned to Darrell and told him to feed her. However, just then, Ray growled and sprinted up, quickly, he ran away.

"Go after him. Both of you!" Klaus demanded.

Rolling her eyes, Vivian and Stefan speed away. Vivian catches him first. He struggles in her hold and she struggled holding him down. They topple to the ground and the wolf is able to get loose. As she is fighting the wolf, in her ears, distant voices distract her and Stefan, who stands at the edge of an opening. The wolf, notices the mistake and quickly bites Vivian's arm. She screams in anger and in pain and the wolf runs off.

"Viv." Stefan quickly says, realizing he got detracted by Elena's voice. And in return, Vivian got bit.

"Bastard. God Damn. Fuck." She sputters out as she holds her bleeding arm. Stefan moved towards her. Grabbing her big arm to inspect it.

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