•• Chapter Forty Five ••

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   Vivian wasn't sure what she was doing awake this early in the morning, but she needed something to do to keep her mind busy, today was surely going to be a long and dreadful one. When she woke up in the bonding house, it was empty, so she got dressed and headed to town for some peace of mind.

She remembered she used to do this from one time or another in the past and walking by herself made
Her realize she hated being alone.

As she moves past the oblivious towns people, she kept her eyes a head of her, taking in everything around her as her memory played imaginary of her long and forever ago past.

Her ears picked up on uninteresting chatter and despite the calmness of this morning, she stopped in her tracks almost abruptly. Her own heart beat picked up in beats in her ears as she stayed still in her boots. Were her eyes deserving her? Was she finally meeting her crazy end? Did Bonnie the witch do some spell intended just for her? It couldn't be. I just couldn't....well, now that she thought about it...she guessed...she just...the thought never even crossed her mind. Her...she never thought he'd become the thing he despised.

She shook her head and muttered in denial. When she looked back to where she was staining, what she saw, or what she thought she saw was gone. Her mind. It was definitely playing tricks on her. Mean and cruel tricks.

She needed to get going. She needed to meet back at the witch house. Despite having her fill of them, she and Stefan had plans to fulfill. There was no time for distractions.


    "What the hell are you doing?" Vivian asked, as she and Stefan reached the basement of the witch house. Their hands intertwined as they walked closely side by side. Both Elena and Bonnie noticed and watched with curious eyes.

"I needed her to know about the coffins." The witch defended herself as she stood in front of the mystery coffin. Vivian and Stefan rolled their eyes.

"So much for keeping her out of it." Vivian muttered, releasing Stefan's hand.

"We needed you to keep her out of it, Bonnie."  Stefan resorted, with anger evident in his tone.

"So what are you gonna do, Stefan? Kidnap me so that I won't tell anyone?" Elena says, looking between Vivian and Stefan.
Stefan stepped forward and said, "Don't tempt me, Elena." Vivian stood beside him and crossed her arms over her chest in a challenging manner.

"I think I know who can open the coffin, Stefan. And I need Elena to help me find her." Bonnie interrupted, cashing Stefan and Vivian to immediately turn to her with a questioning look.

"Her who?" Vivian asked. Bonnie hesitated but then slowly reached over into her pocket and pulled something out of it as she moved towards them.

"I couldn't make out her face at first." Bonnie started, "then I realized..." she handed the picture to Elena, who seemed surprised and shocked by whom ever they were looking at.

"Who is this?" Stefan asked, after looking at the picture himself. Vivian immediately knew herself who it was. And Bonnie's answer just confirmed her guess.

"It's my mom." She says.


      Vivian saw them again. Whatever ghost was starting to haunt her, she saw them as she was walking towards The Grill. It was freaking her out and she didn't get freaked out by much so easily. She knew them. Whoever this person was, she was certain she knew exactly who it was. And she really wasn't prepared to even think about eventually confronting them in any sort of way.

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