•• Chapter Fifty Two ••

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Season 3 episode 17

Vivian walked across the familiar field of grass and wild flowers. The old witch house was visible as she approached the wooden porch. The old wood creeks as she steps inside. She slowly makes her way around the house. Left over candles linger the floor and shelf's, the wicks crispy and bent to the side. Her fingers trace along the dusty walls as she walks further into the living room area.

White sheets cover the old and probably moldy furniture. There were a few books lingering the table that sat in the corner. Finding the book couldn't have been this easy. Earlier in the day, Vivian managed to catch Bonny and Caroline, the two of them seemed to be packing for some kind of trip. Bonnie's mother sat mindlessly in the car as they spoke. A broken and distant look etched upon the former witches face.

Vivian had practically forced Bonnie to do a location spell right then and there. The page she had from them book helped greatly. Bonnie was actually able to figure out that the book had been here in Mystic Falls. That bit of information was helpful and Vivian was glad the book wasn't half way around the world.

There was a sudden sound as she continued looking around the table of books. The old leather bound pages were filled with other spells and other words not helpful to her. With each book she picked up the more frustrated she got when she realized it wasn't the one she needed. The ink never matched the page. And the handwriting was always different. And there was almost always no tear that matched the one she held.

Turning her head, she noticed a book laying in the middle of the floor. With a perked intrigue, she looked around the house. A brush of wind blew past her, causing dust partials to lift up from one place to the other. The sheets danced like leaves on a tree and a few candles suddenly were lit.

"Okay then." She mumbled, as she walked over to the book, her heels clicked again the hardwood floor. The sound echoing through out the room. She was alone, but maybe not as alone as she thought. Bending down to the floor, her hands hovers over the book. This was a witches house after all. The first time she came here, they made her head hurt. So who's to say that this was just a trick?

But she needed to know if this book was the one she was looking for. She's seen the witches help Bonnie. In the same way. But she was a vampire, and they didn't necessarily like her kind messing around with their stuff.

"Fuck it." She said, and luckily, as she picked up the book, nothing happened and she was able to walk back to the table where her sheet of paper sat. The red colored book had faded golden painted letters on it. Every other word on the cover and spine was scratched and unreadable, giving her no clue as to what it was called or anything.

Opening the book, she flipped through the pages. The handwriting was the same as the page she had and she was starting to think that maybe this was the book. But as she continued reading it, there were no ripped pages and after a few more pages, she realized it was just someone's diary.

Her hands lightly shook as she continued reading passages after passage. Story's about a young woman falling in love with a doctor. About their brand new baby girl. Their brand new baby girl named Vivian. The wind was nearly knocked out of her. "Is this some kind of joke?" She asked, no one in particular. A gust of wind caused a few pages to flip without her doing it herself. It landed on a page with the name of her own mother and father.

"Guess not." She muttered. She picked up the page and folded back into her jean pocket and grabbed the book and decided to head back to the boarding house. With the book clutched her grasp, she walked out of the house but was immediately stopped. A woman stood in front of her. Wearing a long red jacket, she stood on the porch of the house with her hands in her pockets. A smile etched on her face as she looked Vivian over.

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