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I gasped as I shot my eyes open. I started panting for air while I stared at the ceiling. Wait..the ceiling?! I abruptly stood straight until I felt a tug on the corner which made me glance and saw that it was... Athanasia?!

I snapped my fingers but nothing happened, I didn't teleport away! I tried methods on disappearing but it just couldn't work! I slumped in despair and started to worry because they might've seen me.

"Don't try escaping now."

Oh. For the first time in my life, I wish that voice didn't sound so familiar. I hastily looked up and saw Lu standing in front of the bed while staring at me. I widened my eyes in horror and it worsened when I heard my sister groaning.

I mentally smiled at myself.

"Huh... You're awake!" Athanasia beamed which made me look at her nervously.

"Pardon me, I'm nothing but an ordinary commoner."

I said as I tried to hid myself in my hood but I gasped when I realized I wasn't wearing it. I looked down to my clothes and saw that I wasn't wearing the magician's uniform but a dress.

"Fool, you think that would work on me? You must be a very special person since the world tree's spell is casted on you." I widened my eyes and looked up to Lu.

"Like I said, I'm nothing more than a commoner. I have no idea what you're talking about." I tried to at least convince him.

"Mana doesn't lie, especially when it belongs from the world tree. Stop reasoning and tell us who you are."

I trembled. Is this the end for me? I tried to hard to just protect my sister from afar and yet... Tears built up around my eyes which made his orbs widen.

I let out a pained cry.

"I wasn't doing anything that would harm Athanasia! I was just protecting her from him!" I cried while I tried rubbing the tears away with the help of my hands.


I abruptly stopped and opened my eyes to see the room all messy. I widened my eyes at the sight.

"H-Have you calmed down?"

I heard Athanasia questioned which made me glance and saw that she was behind Lu. He has his arm extended in front of her as a sign of protecting her.

"I-I'm so sorry, did I do this?" I pointed everywhere and she nodded nervously.

"It would be better for you to tell us who you are or I'd have to kill you."

His sentence echoed through my ears. I widened my eyes at his harshness but he kept a blank expression across his face. Right, this isn't the Lu who I know. This is her Lucas. I glanced at Athanasia.

"I apologize, princess. I have not yet decided if I should reveal the identity of a lowlife like mine." I bowed a little.

"Lowlife? Do you describe the world tree's judgement very low?"

Ahh, he's keeping me here. I slightly groaned.

"What's the use of revealing who I am, lord magician?" I questioned as I looked up to him which made their eyes widen.

Alicia De Alger Obelia | Lucas X OCWhere stories live. Discover now