Chp. 5

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George who fell asleep, in his car with Dream being his pillow. Had been Awoken by the ringing of his Phone.

At that moment Dream had also been woken up. "Who's that..." he mumbled with a tired tone.

George checked who it was, It was a random number.

He thought it might've been a wrong  number call. But he still decided to answer it.

"Hello who's this..." he said with a tired yawn.

"My apologies for disturbing your sleep. I have your sister with me." a man with a tone deep voice spoke in the other side of the call.

Georges eyes widen, as his heart skips a beat with a panic. 

"WHY DO YOU HAVE HER?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!" He Yelled with rage, startling the half asleep Dream.

"Please Relax you'll wake her up. I found her asleep in a park. Right as I try to wake her, I saw her wallet on the floor. I checked her ID and saw your number and hers displayed on it. So  decided to call you." He explains, hoping to calm George down.

George was skeptic of this man and is also crushed, knowing that her sister had fallen asleep alone at the park.

"Where are you?! Please... Bring her back to me" Begged George. He got out of his car, leaving Dream inside.

"Currently taking the train, London to Brighton. Please wait at the train station. Will be there in one hour." The man on the other side of the phone, immediately ends the call before George could say anything else.

George's mouth stayed open, as he drops his arm down where he held his phone. "London..?" He mumbled

Dream got out of the car, put one hand on George's shoudler. "Whats wrong?"

"Y/n ran to London... A Man found her, and- He's bringing her back... Dream we have to head to the train station now." George ran back to his car, and took out his keys from his pockets.

Dream was still confused at the whole situation but also ran to his car. 

George already drove away first, knowing that Dream would easily catch up to him. Due to him driving a sports car.


It was a very freezing night, there were barely any passengers in the train. 

It was only The man with wings which he had hidden away, sitting next to a sleeping Y/n.

He rested her head on top of his shoulder, at the whole ride to Brighton. Y/n had no idea what was going on.

She was in such a heavy sleep. The wine must've hit her bad.

{5 Minutes Away} 

The speaker on the train Echoed.


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