Chapter 11- My Choice (Part 1)

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NOTE: Chapter 11, even though it's split into two parts, is still quite long. I'd really appreciate it if you read all of it though, because there are some important discussions in here.

Very detailed descriptions of assaúlt and islam*phobic language.


Zee waited outside the local Mosque for her friend, Zaira.
She first met Zaira at Mosque lessons.
Zaira went to school in another area, but there was no Mosque in her neighbourhood, so she attended this one.
The pair used to have Mosque lessons together, every day after school. However, when both of her parents became injured, Zee stopped attending. She still met up with Zaira occasionally though.

Sorry I took so long, I know you hate it when the others try to make conversation with you."

"Nah, it's a right laugh.
I love hearing how Imran finally made a round roti that wasn't burnt", she replied, sarcastically.

Zaira playfully rolled her eyes, and lightly punched Zee's arm.
She waved goodbye to one of her friends, and started walking with Zee.

"I like your hijab, by the way", said Zee. "Neon pink suits you."

Miss Khadija says the pink is too distracting, but she did say it suited me as well", she said.

A group of runners ran by, and Zaira clutched her Qur'an closer to her chest. She never liked to put it back in her bag after her lessons.
She couldn't explain it, but holding her Qur'an close to her heart always made her feel at peace.

"Hey listen, I can't hang out at the park today.
I've got to grab some fruit then go home", said Zee.

"Oh, right.
Well, do you wanna hang out tomorrow?"

"Uh, I'll have to check if I'm free first."

Zaira frowned.
"You're always busy these days.
You spend more time with that other girl than me."

She's my best friend.
Plus, we go to the same school.
Pretty hard not to spend so much time with her."

"And what about that boy?
Map, or something?"

Zee frowned.
"Come on, Zaira.
You know his name is Atlas."

"You're right, I'm sorry.
I'm just being stupid.
There aren't a lot of Muslims in my neighbourhood, so I really look forward to spending time with you."

Zee's face softened.
"I get it.
Hey, there's a football tournament at our school in a few weeks.
Why don't we meet up during that?"

"But you'll miss the game."

"Don't like sports anyway."

"Alright, yeah.
Sounds good."

Now let's hurry up and get to the shops before all the good fruit is gone."


After meeting up with a friend, and losing track of the time, Zaira wanted to hurry home, as it was getting dark.
Her usual bus stop was in the process of being removed, so she had to walk to a different bus stop.

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