Chapter 28- Inspector Calls

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Includes mentions of alcòhol, smoking, emotional distress.

After school, Ruby, Nalini and Jax were in the reception, sorting out permission slips for an upcoming art trip. They had been quite busy today. The school's most popular couple—Alex and Naomi, had another party yesterday, and apparently a fight had broken out. The drama infected the school ground, with some of the teachers being forced to step in when the drama disrupted lessons. It was up to the Reception Crew to call parents and get them to pick up their disruptive children.

"Ok so out of all ten permission slips, two did not include the fee", said Nalini.

"I've chased up the students who want to go but haven't returned their slips yet. They are all aware of the deadline being in three days time so we'll probably be getting a few more in soon", added Jax.

Ruby nodded. "Good. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of the school's online payment system. A few parents have reported an issue so I'm going to get in touch with the company and let them know."

"Should we ask someone from IT to take a look at it first?", suggested Nalini.

Ruby shook her head. "Already tried that. None of them know how to fix it. Marvin even said he didn't get paid enough to fix problems that big."

"Ah, good old Marv", joked Nalini. "I don't suppose he's found his will to live yet?"

Jax shook his head. "No, it's probably with that stick he's got shoved up his–"

Michael approached the group, prompting Ruby to quickly shove Jax so he would stop talking. Nalini smiled sweetly at Michael, but the older man seemed a little tense.

"How are you all doing?", asked Michael.

"Really good", smiled Nalini.

"Yeah, today's been a productive day", said Jax.

"Actually, do you have a minute to talk?", asked Ruby. "I have some suggestions about how we can improve efficiency among staff–"

"Oh, don't worry about that", said Michael. "Everything's good as it is. Actually, I came by to let you know that an inspector is coming today and tomorrow. They want to see your office first."

The Reception Crew stood there, stunned. Why would Michael spring this on them last minute?

Jax laughed. "Oh! You're pulling our legs, right?"

Michael shook his head. "No. Wish I was."

"When did you find out an inspector was coming?", asked Ruby. 

"Last week", replied Michael.

Ruby's eyes widened. "And you're only telling us now?"

"I'm sorry, I've been really busy. Look, the inspector should be here soon so just make sure all the records are up to date and everything's in order."

Michael left, leaving the Reception Crew to panic. Jax frantically rushed around, picking up files only to put them down in the same place again. Nalini just froze, her body paralysed by panic. Ruby's worry was much harder to see, but if you looked long enough, you could see her slightly clenched jaw.

Nalini gasped. "Oh my gosh!"

She rushed over to her computer, her fingers stabbing the letters on the keyboard. She stopped to look at the screen, her eyes widening once more.

"Oh no! I was supposed to sort out all of the meetings scheduled this month, and save the finished version. I must've forgottten!"

Nalini's breathing became erratic, and Jax hurried over to her. He wasn't quite sure how to help, so he just reached out and patted her back.

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