A/N- About updates

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Next week is Ramadan, a time where Muslims fast. It's a time for reflection, giving to charity and working on improving yourself in general. Those things should be done throughout the year, but Ramadan has always helped me put things into perspective, and to look at the kind of person I am and the life I lead. On top of that, I also have quite a few assignments due in the upcoming weeks. I want to prioritise my education, and make sure I'm prepared enough.

For those reasons, updates will be scarce. I mean, I know I haven't updated this book in quite a while, but I don't think I'll be able to update at all during Ramadan. I'll still be checking in, and doing little bits of writing here and there, but for the most part, I'm just going to focus on reading stories on here, as opposed to working on my own. It's been a while since I've actually read on here, excluding applyfics I am a part of.

I might post some Ramadan related things, but not much on the story front.

Having said that, I do plan on writing this week, as I have a bit of spare time. So I might have a few updates for you this week, depending on how much I am able to get done.

I hope you understand, and thank you for your patience. I know I'm either terrible at updating or I have moments where I publish multiple updates. I guess I'm an all-or-nothing type of person when it comes to writing haha. But I really do appreciate how understanding you all are.

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