SPECIAL A/N- Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year to all of you. This year has been a rollercoaster ride for me personally, and I'm sure it's been a bit like that for some of you, in some sense. I just wanted to thank you all, because this year writing applyfics has been more therapeutic for me than ever. I am so grateful that every time I log in to this app, I'm essentially coming back to my friends. You are all incredible people, and although we haven't met in person, I consider you such dear friends that I will remember for the rest of my life.

I talk a lot about wanting to create a safe space for readers of my books—a community of people who really care for each other. But I don't think I talk enough about the safe space YOU'VE given ME. I can feel that you all genuinely root for me, and I hope I've done enough to show you all that I will always root for you too. So thank you for being my safe space, and for believing in me.

I hope 2023 is fantastic for you all. I hope it's full of happiness, laughter, success and great opportunities. I don't know what the future holds, but I hope to continue my friendship with you all in 2023, and all the years still to come.






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