Chapter 21- Not My Coach (Part 2)

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Mentions of dr*g gr**ming (not detailed), feelings of isolation, struggles of being a young carer.

NOTE: Please do the interactive part at the end!

Three days after snapping at his class, Aahan found himself in a state of intense stress.
Despite not teaching Rowan's class any history, Aahan still had a lot of marking to do, for his other history classes.
Essays, timelines, random five minute activities he thought wouldn't matter—they all needed marking. 

Aahan was alone in the staff room.
It was a rare moment.
The staff room was either full, or one of the science teachers, who Aahan hadn't learned the name of yet, would be sleeping in there so you could barely make any noise.
Paige walked through the halls, an orange in her hand.
She glanced inside the staff room, stopping in her tracks when she saw a dejected looking Aahan. 

"Oh no, a face as cute as yours shouldn't be frowning like that", said Paige. 

Paige was very forthcoming with her compliments.
It would take Aahan about an hour to get over the initial embarrassment of wanting to give a compliment, then a further few minutes as he stuttered his way through it. He was a little envious of Paige's confidence. 

"What's got you looking so sad?", she asked. 

Aahan sighed, before rubbing his temples with his index and middle fingers.

"I've just got so much marking to do.
Why do essays even exist?"

"I wouldn't know.
Music doesn't require essays, thank God", said Paige.
"Why don't you snuggle down at home with a nice bottle of beer and work through the night?
It's better than letting it pile up."

"Yeah... home's a bit of a no-go for me."

"Ah, your sister's wedding planning taking over your life?"

Aahan nodded. 

"Well, do it here then."

"What, and the school?"

"No, on Mars.
Yes, the school!
A bunch of us stay behind to get work done. It's a really chill environment."

"I don't know..."

"Oh, come on!
It'll be fun."

"Uh, you know what?
That sounds good."


After school, Aahan walked to the staff room.
He passed the room detention was being held in.
He saw Rowan and Irene there.
They looked so out of place.
Aahan felt a pang of guilt in his chest.
Maybe he shouldn't have given them detention for their antics earlier in the week.
Would he ever admit that to them though? Not a chance.

He saw Zee there as well.
He assumed she must've misbehaved in another class, although he also wouldn't put it past her to get a detention on purpose so she could get more gossip on other students.

Aahan reached the staff room, but stopped just before he entered the room.
Mr. McConaugh—Eulan, was there.
The pair hadn't interacted yet, apart from Aahan being on the receiving end of glares from Eulan, but he wouldn't really class that as interacting.
Aahan had been waiting for the perfect time to talk to him about being in charge of the football rally.

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