Ch 13

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After a few seconds, Levi gets up from his seat and leans beside Eren on the desk. He looked a lot more calm than compared to that day with well as apologetic.

"...I'm sorry Eren. I lost my temper that day and said some unnecessary things." Levi said in a soft voice and looked at Eren, who also looked at Levi, in his eyes.

"..." Eren didn't say anything and just stared into Levi's eyes. He wasn't in his own little world this time, he was conscious of what he was doing and purposely remained quiet.

After a moment he spoke, "All I wanted to know was why? And you deliberately ignored me and asked me to go question remains the same this time." Eren said in a sad and desperate way; his eyes weren't blinking and he seemed determined.

Levi didn't take his eyes off his or look away. He only looked back in guilt and didn't answer his question.

He then raised his hand slightly and kept it on Eren's head and ruffled his hair. This surprised Eren and he widened his eyes as he relaxed his body a bit from his stiff position.

"I got upset after hearing what you said. I assumed the wrong of you and thought that you didn't take any of my advice from all our sessions." Levi finally answered him in a plain manner but still full of emotion at the same time.

"B-But that's not true! I didn't try to mean it in that way at all!" Eren immediately tried to explain to Levi, messing up a few of his words in the process as he went on and on about his intentions for saying so...

"I know...I know Eren" Levi stopped Erens fast muttering of trying to explain things. He gave Eren a kind smile and looked at him peacefully for a moment.

This time Eren wasn't blushing or feeling embarrassed. Instead, he felt like crying, because it was the first time that Levi gave him a smile, being fully aware that he was indeed smiling. He just gazed at Levi with tears filling his eyes because he was so overfilled with his own emotions, he just wanted to let everything out and hug Levi... But he held back again, he controlled his tears and just gave Levi a smile back, which was just as soft, or maybe more, than Levi's and so full of happiness just like Eren at that moment.

Levi then headed back to his seat,

"What are your plans now? Levi asked casually, implying that it's a question he asked personally rather than as a session based one.

"I'm not sure to be honest. I keep thinking about what you said before the summer break, how it's my last year before turning into an adult. I know that I'm definitely excited for that, but I'm also feeling scared." Eren explained to Levi who listened intently.

"You're supposed to feel scared, there's nothing wrong with that. More importantly, try to remember that only you're only turning into an adult legally, and that being an adult doesn't necessarily mean that you're mature." Levi told Eren politely.

"-says the adult who yelled at me" Eren mumbled, chuckling to himself.

"I heard that you brat, *sigh* but it's fine I guess. Since you can joke about it, I'm assuming that you forgive me" Levi remarked.

"...Of course I have. There's no way I would remain mad at you" Eren replied looking down and smiling. "C-cause you know, you're my teacher and that's why" Eren added so as to not make an awkward environment.

"No, you could remain an angry teenager if you wanted, I know students like that. But seeing that you've already let it're more mature than I had originally thought." Levi said, earnestly.

"Wait, is that a compliment? I'm feeling a bit offended. But I'll just take it as a compliment." Eren said, giving Levi a lively smile that showed that he had really returned to how he used to be and didn't feel as sad.

"Oh! and I wanted to tell you that I visited the museum that you talked about, it was huge, just like you said" Eren started talking normally to Levi again, but it was a bit different. They had definitely gotten closer again, they were getting close each time they had met one another, whether they realized it or not.

They both talked to each other about a lot of things and before they knew it, the sun was about to set. Levi told Eren that he should head home before he makes his parents worried.

Eren told Levi, that despite having said that he wants to discontinue his sessions, he would still like to visit him sometime he would allow it. Levi told him he's welcome to come and talk to him anytime he wants and wished him a good year ahead.

"You too Levi sensei, I hope you have a good year." Eren said, giving a bow and then left the room. 

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