Ch 36

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As Eren enters Levi's bedroom, he looks around in fascination even though, just like the rest of the house, there were only essentials there and was considerably plain.

He goes near his bedside table and looks at a few things that were kept over it, like: the handkerchief with the flowers in them and the note that Eren wrote to him on his birthday.

Eren picks up the note and chuckles at it and then looks at Levi, who walks up to him to see what he was holding.

"You still kept this?" he asked in glee

"It's the only french word I've seen you write on your own...unless you searched it up online"Levi casually says looking at the note again

"No way, that's the only thing I did remember in class" Eren jokes

" make me so proud" Levi sarcastically remarks, sighing. "Write the whole note in french and then I'll believe you"

Levi then goes to his closet and takes out a pair of clothes, tossing them to Eren.

"You're taking a bath before sleeping. Or else you'll dirty the sheets" Levi states and then walks out of the room.

Eren was taken aback for a second but then just smiled thinking how it was the obvious thing he could ask for.

He quickly goes to the bathroom and showers within a few minutes. After wearing the clothes that Levi gave him and Eren looked in the bathroom mirror, and was surprised to see that it fitted him just fine, except the pants that were a little short on him.

By the time he comes back he sees Levi already sitting on the bed, working on his laptop and only his bedside lamp was left on.

He climbs on and lays on his stomach, beside him. He leans up, looking over at the work Levi was doing.

"It's late. Why are you still working?" Eren asks, glancing at Levi

"I want to finish this up before sleeping" Levi replies, still typing down

Eren looks at him dubiously and slowly brings his hand up to his laptop screen which makes Levi stop typing and Eren closes it down and looks back at Levi.

"It's past midnight. You don't need to overwork yourself so much" Eren says, giving him a concerned smile.

"...I knowI don't have to, but I can't sleep anyway so it's better to get some work done" ,though Levi says this, he then keeps the laptop aside and lays down on his back with his arm under his head.

"...can you still not fall asleep?" Eren asks, whisperingly, as he sets aside a few strands of hair from Levi's face

"" Levi answers as he takes Eren's hand that was playing with his hair and puts it to his side.

Eren then leans over Levi and gently pecks his lips two times, slowly, before kissing him deeply.

He continues by moving down, to kissing his chin and then his neck after he supports his body by the arms and legs.

He breaks for a second to look at Levi as he brings one of hands up to and keeps it on Levi's chest, near his heart that was beating ever so rapidly.

Levi looks at his hand and takes it with his own to unbutton his shirt as moves his head up to kiss Eren again. They both sit upright, still making out passionately, as Eren completely removes Levi's shirt down his arms and glides his hand over his smooth, pale skin.

It didn't take long for Levi to also start getting restless and he grabs onto Eren's shirt tightly, and then begins to unbutton it. Though before he could finish, Eren took over, doing it more quickly, tossing his shirt aside.

He stops for a moment, grabbing Levi's waist as he pulls him over his lap, and presses his ear against his chest to listen to his heartbeat and then looks up into Levi's dark blue eyes. In that still second, Eren even though Levi never told him his feelings for him, the only thing he could see from his eyes, was the love he felt towards Eren.

Levi leans down to softly kiss him and then further down, kissing Eren's neck and collarbone as he stirred him up by moving his hand up his back to his hair.

The intense emotions kept inside Eren all this, came out bursting as he suddenly pinned Levi down and kissed him heatedly, pushing his tongue deep down his throat.

He didn't feel like separating from his touch just yet, he wanted to stay like that longer and longer. He knew Levi was kissing him back, holding his hair and cheek, moving his face just as fast as he was, barely stopping to take in a breath.

When he finally breaks away, he only lowers his head as he starts tracing every inch on Levi's chest with his mildly swollen lips, leaving behind delicate kiss marks.

As he reaches his nipples, he glances up at Levi, before touching them with his playful tongue, twirling and sucking with it, as Levi let out soft moans.

The small sound makes Eren stop and he goes back up to Levi and kisses him again after giving him a slight smirk.

After they both come to a stop, Eren steps out to bed, but Levi's grabs his wrist.

"Where?" he asks

Eren looks at him for a moment before leaning his face in front of Levi's with a small grin on his face

"You felt it didn't you...I don't want to do anything extreme today. But- I won't make any promises for the next time." he spoke in a hush voice and delicately kissed Levi's cheek before heading to the bathroom.

Afterwards, when they both seemingly fell asleep, Levi suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, huffing and was visibly distressed, something which happened often to him whilst he slept.

As he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was Eren, soundly sleeping beside him. The somber view put him at ease and leans forward to kiss Eren's forehead lightly before closing his eyes again, falling asleep. 

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