Ch 15

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Eren was taken aback by this sudden question from Levi. He lifted his head from Levi's desk and looked him in the eye.

"Then...can I also ask you what was your first impression of me?" Eren asked him innocently.

"Why not? I'll tell you right now. -I thought you were an impatient brat who picked fights with everyone and didn't particularly excelled in anything but were still an above average student and also-" he immediately began to rambled on

"Wait wait wait" Levi was cut off by Eren who had imaginary arrows stab him with every point that Levi said. "I wasn't that bad." Eren tried to defend himself.

"Wasn't that bad? Why do you think that I'm your supervisor? I was specifically asked by Irwin to keep an eye on you, you brat?" Levi said in his neutral irritated tone.

Eren just looked at Levi with great shock and quite a pale face as if he heard the worst news in the world.

"And here I thought that you chose to be my supervisor," Eren said in a whining way looking towards the window then to make it seem more dramatic.

"I had a choice to refuse, so don't act so childish now and answer my question" Levi said with a little impatience.

Eren looked back at Levi and then remembered his question and then looked down.

"Oh...yeah. I actually...I didn't notice you that much in my first year. I definitely heard about you like I said...I heard how smart you are and how you're a prodigy from France" he chuckled a bit at this "but I just knew as much as the others did back then" Eren answered sounding depressed or rather disappointed- in himself.

"I see...well even I knew how ridiculous the rumors are. What about now? Do you believe the rumors? Levi asked him another question

"What? Not at all. You' different from them. The only ones accurate are about your intelligence and strength in my opinion." Eren replied, giving a soft smile to Levi "and you're also much nicer than what the rumors say-" Levi scoffed at this sentence which surprised Eren for a moment.

"What?" asked Eren

" just reminded me of someone I used to know" Levi answered, again giving a kind smile, but it looked a bit sad to Eren. As much as he was curious to ask Levi about it, he didn't want to pry unnecessarily.

There was a ringing sound then. It was Levi's phone, he picked it up and went outside to attend it. After a few minutes he came back in,

"I need to leave early today, you should head home too now, Eren. I assume that I will be seeing you on the day of the trip, yes?" Levi said as he picked up his stuff and was about to leave.

"Oh- yes...! see you later Levi sensei, thanks for your hard work." Eren waved goodbye at Levi.

A few days later it was their trip, which was for 4 days and three nights. Everyone had arrived early and seemed extremely excited...a few others were just sleepy as it was 6:30 in the morning. One of them was Eren, who was leaning on Armin's shoulder and kept drifting off every five seconds; and had to be woken up by Mikasa's slight slap everytime. Shortly then, they all started to board the bus that they were supposed to travel by. Hange got them all seated, keeping count of who all had come. Eren sat with Armin and Jean offered Mikasa to sit with him, but was denied and she sat along with Sasha.

Everyone had arrived and they started their journey. Everyone almost immediately fell asleep as they all grew weary with the overexcitement.

After two hours, they arrived at their destination. They all felt refreshed and quickly rushed out to stretch and see the mountains. It was green and lush everywhere, and although there was also a spooky atmosphere, since they were all surrounded by people, no one felt scared.

Everyone then went to their respective cabins and started to unpack. When they were done, they went outside and met up with three instructors- one for each class. They quickly explained to them their 4 day schedule and all the activities they'll be doing.

On the first day they'll be exploring the mountains with their respective supervisors, at night time they'll help in the preparation of food and go to sleep early. On the second day, they will do some recreational activities planned by the supervisors and at night they will receive their dinner after which they'll sit around a campfire. On the third day, they will do some more activities again and then get the rest of the day for their own exploration again, until evening, when they will have to come back for dinner. The last day, they will be taken to a local market nearby to buy any souvenirs if they want and then they'll board their bus to go back.

One thing that was told to them all, was that they had a surprise activity for them after dinner on the third day which made people more intrigued.

"I heard from a senior that they will make us do the courage test on the last day. That's where the renown rumor came from after a senior a few years ago confessed his love to the girl he was paired with and they ended up together" Eren heard one of the girls from his class whispering to one other as they giggled while taking a glance at him leaving him confused.

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