Ch 7

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Time goes by quickly after this and their finals come and go. After putting in a lot of effort, and many sleepless nights, (not to forget Armins tutoring) Eren manages to get a 91% in his finals.

It's not how much he promised Levi, but he still went to see him on the last day of school before the summer break.

Eren was extremely excited, as he had restrained himself for almost a month. He goes to their usual room, and sees that Levi was already waiting for him there. He could tell as Levi was leaning backwards on a table facing towards the door. And you could see a small glimmer in Levi's eyes when he saw Eren enter the room.

"You...What are you, an old man, what took you so long? Go sit.." Levi said this in his usual annoyed tone, but Eren could tell that he was just pulling his leg.

Eren sat down and was about to take out his mark sheet but he hesitated a bit. Levi sensed this, "just so you know, i don't actually care whether or not you were able to get 95 or what." he added nonchalantly without looking at Eren.

"But didn't you say it was my punishment for-" before Eren could finish he was cut off by Levi.

"I know what I said. But I also know that you put in a lot of effort for your exams this time. Personally I don't care how much you get as long as you're satisfied with yourself, it's only the fact that other people care how much you score which is why I gave you that as a 'punishment'." Levi said all this without breaking eye contact with Eren, showing his genuineness.

Hearing his words, Eren blushed a little. He never imagined that that would be the reason for Levi to give him the punishment. He thought to himself that since the very beginning it would have been impossible for him to not fall in love with him. And everyday he found himself to love something new about Levi.

He was upset since during the summer it wouldn't be possible for him to meet up with Levi anymore. But that is something that is out of his hands.

"So, do you still want to see my mark sheet?" Eren asked him.

"Yeah I do, I still want to see how much you've improved. I'm still your teacher" Levi answered, gesturing his hand towards Eren.

Eren gave him his paper quietly and sat in silence. Within he felt another piercing feeling, as he was yet again reminded that Levi was in fact his teacher. He had gotten used to hearing it, but he still felt stifling everytime.

He wanted to go soon, and was about to ask Levi to excuse him. But as he looked up to Levi, he saw something that left him stunned.

Levi was smiling, and not just a small smile. A proper smile that showed his satisfaction as he looked at Erens paper. Before this, Eren had always wanted to make him smile, he always wanted to be the reason to make Levi smile, to make him happy; and now he had.

"This is good, I didn't expect you to work so hard, but I'm glad you did, Eren," Levi remarked while still looking downwards.

"'s beautiful '' Eren blurted out without thinking, referring to Levi's smile.

"Who the hell calls their paper beautiful you brat", Levi said as he looked up to see Eren's surprised expression, "What?" he said, making a confused face.

It seemed as though Levi hadn't realized that he was smiling in front of eren.

"Ah! I mean it's good, yeah, that's what I meant. Sorry." Eren quickly came back to reality, and tried to make an excuse.

Though this did make Levi a bit conscious and he tried to shift the topic smoothly. "Your summer break is from tomorrow isn't it, are you planning anything?" he asked as he started to pack his papers in his briefcase.

"Huh? Oh no, not really? I'm...not really looking forward to it honestly" Eren replied in a disheartening tone.

"And why is that, aren't brats your age usually excited for the break?" Levi stated as he stopped packing his bag, and looked at Eren for a response.

"Umm, yeah. But I don't really have anything I want to do as such, and..." he looked at Levi with his soft eyes, thinking to himself that he was partly the reason for him to not look forward to their break.

"And...?" Levi urged Eren to complete his sentence.

"And... i will miss...our interactions" Eren wanted to say he'd miss Levi but he knew this would put Levi in an awkward position and refrained from saying so. But even this was enough to astonish Levi for a moment. He thought for minute and then spoke,

" Listen Eren, even though you might miss school, you're still a teenager. Try to have some relaxation while you still can. You're going to be an adult soon and that's the most shittiest time period of your life. So enjoy your last summer as a kid." Levi didn't speak as if it were an order or annoyed like he usually is, he simply said this in a pleasant and plain way to make Eren understand. And it did, Eren knew what Levi was trying to say, but the only thing wanted the most in that moment was to be an adult.

He and Levi exchanged a few more words, wished each other a good summer and then parted their ways. On the way home, Eren did think of Levi's words, he hadn't been acting like himself and wanted to try to enjoy his summer with his family and friends...

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