Ch 35

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Eren spends the rest of the day with his friends, wishing goodbye to some, helping a few others to pack and finally drops Armin at his home before heading off to Levi's apartment.

He got on time, just as he said, at 6pm. Levi opened the door for him and went in with Eren quickly following him.

He suddenly hugged him from behind, embracing him tightly.

Levi didn't seemed to mind his abrupt behavior and put hand over Eren's arms

"Are you ok?" he asks him

"I am... I'm just so happy right now. I don't want to let go yet." Eren replies gripping a bit tighter

" either" Levi says in very feeble tone and strokes Eren's head, delicately

They stay like that for a while longer and then like usual, Levi goes to make some tea for Eren. And this time, instead of sitting and waiting for Levi, Eren stands beside him, watching him work.

"Do you like tea so much? You make it everytime I come over." Eren asks casually

"Rather than liking it, it's the only beverage in drink" Levi replies with a neutral expression as he keeps the pot on the stove.

"What about adding sweeteners in it?"

"I'm not used to it, but if you don't like the bitterness, I'll add it to yours."

"...That's ok, I like it that way. It's simple and straightforward." Eren says smiling at him lovingly

"You're talking about me or the tea?" Levi rhetoric while pouring the boiled water in the cups

"Both" Eren answers, grinning at him.

Levi looks at him and takes his tea to the table and sits down. Eren follows and sits adjacent to him.

"What is your plan now?" Levi asks as he drinks his tea

"Well I told you most of it already, so the only thing left is for me to shift to my new apartment." he answers

"-You never said anything about a new apartment" Levi says being a bit taken aback

"" Eren tries avoiding Levis' glare but then just admits "...come on, did you really think I would continue living with my parents after graduating." Eren says getting a bit red

"You're right, I should have seen this coming" Levi states, scoffingly and finishes his tea.

"Oh and I wanted to ask if I could stay over today?" Eren asks nonchalantly.

This makes Levi choke on his tea and he starts coughing.

"...just for sleeping. What are you imagining, Le-vi?" Eren says flirtily

"Has it ever been something as innocent as 'just sleeping' for you." Levi proclaims as he tries to clear his throat

"I'm not going to force you of course, I couldn't do that even if I tried." Eren chuckles

"And let me guess, you already told your parents that you're staying over at Armin's" Levi states, glaring at him again

Eren shrugged coolly, acting as if he were just that naive.

"...fine, but I'm taking the couch then" said Levi as he was about to get up, but Eren grabs him arm just then

"Wait, what? Why?" Eren exclaims not sounding happy about it

"Because I said so." Levi then tries to stand up again but Eren pulls his arm and pins him to the floor.

"...Eren, let me go" Levi says calmly

"Not until you agree to sleep on the bed. It's yours, why would I sleep on it alone?" Eren says, grabbing Levi's wrists more tightly.

"You and I both know that I can easily overpower you, so just get off." Levi continus his calm tone.

"Well I've told I can be an annoying leech-" Eren brags jokingly

"That's not something to boast about you brat." Levi says, pushing Eren off of him and was about to escape but Eren pulls him back down just as quickly. Only this time he doesn't grab his wrists to pin him, but rather sits on his waist without putting much weight on it.

"I told you I'm not going to do anything you don't like and you know that I stick to my word." Eren says in a dejected sort of tone

Levi, looking at Eren's expression just sighs in defeat as he keeps his arm on his eyes.

"...five overgrown men and I lose to this brat" he says to himself

"...What does that mean?..." Eren asks, confused by the statement

"Nevermind- I get it, I won't sleep on the couch, so get off" Levi finally agrees and looks at Eren.

Eren stands and helps Levi up by taking his hands.

"You're really stubborn, Eren" Levi tiredly says as he walks to the bedroom and Eren of course, follows him merrily. 

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