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After the attack many areas of the academy had been destroyed; the majority if the math classroom, some dormitories, and all of the language classrooms. Taz wasn't too bothered that the dorms and language rooms had been damaged because Spanish was an easy come, easy go subject for her and she had heard it was only one or two dorms were burnt but the one she did care about was the math cladsrooms. No more math. That meant no more calculas. YES! Calculus was pointless - when was she ever going to need to know that 'X' was bigger than one but smaller than one and a half? Never is the answer. Oh good Up's at breakfast already.
"Hey Up! Did you hear about de math classrooms?" She bounced in but then remembered it wasn't just her and Up in the hall so she changed to a solemn expression and sneered at anyone who looked at her. Much better.
"Well the assembly was mandatory so I sort of had to hear bout it." Up just became used to her sudden change of personality (obviously not too him but to others) and just got used to it.
"Dis means I won't have to do calculus for ages!" Up sighed. Maybe Taz didn't realize but if she wanted to graduate, calculus was a compulsory subject. Taz was gonna hate him for what he was about to do...
"No it doesn't."
"¿Que?" Taz didn't understand... Did they had substitute classrooms hidden somewhere or ...?
"I'm gonna teach you calculas for the meantime." Taz slumped in her chair.
"But Up! I hate calculas and you know I do."
"I know you hate it but you can't graduate unless you pass it." This caught her attention.
"What?! I can't graduate unless I pass it? Mierda!"
"My point exactly so if I teach it to you in the time being, by the time they restore the classes, you might be alright at it."
"Uuugghh. Fine. But if I pass out from boredness I'm blaming you."
"Deal." He laughed and although Taz was pissed off, she couldn't help but smirk a little.
"When do you have math and Spanish normally?" Up asked. Taz pulled out her timetable and gave it to Up."
"Oh great! You have it mostly the same as I do except Friday period one when you have math and I have weapon studies. First lesson period two. Well then I guess I shall see you period two. Bring your calculas books to my dorm okay? See you in fitness!" He checked that no one was looking and kissed Taz on the cheek. Although his carelessness sort of infuriated her, Taz secretly liked it. Taking a glance at her timetable, Taz saw she had first aid period one. She didn't mind first aid to much because she knew it would come in handy a lot once she graduated.
Once she arrived, Taz realized she was a little early as only one or two students were there - the two thick girls who she met at the opening ceremony who's names she now knew were Beth (the dark haired one) and Laylah (the blonde one with enough makeup to cover mexico).
"Hello Taz!" Laylah said, still feeling the need to pronounce her words more accurately around Taz.
"Can I help you?" She replied bluntly. These girls really hit a short fuse.
"Um what with?" Beth's genuinely confused face made Taz want to rip it off. Before she considered going for it she turned and walked away.
"Wait! Don't leave! We wanted to talk to you!"
"Not my problem." She carried on.
"It's about Up!" Taz stopped, knowing that it was probably the worst thing she could do but she wanted to hear what they had to say.
"What about him? And is it actually relevant because instead of listening to your gossip I'd prefer to learn how to aid rangers." Which was true but she still wanted to know what they did.
"Well. Word on the street is that he's got it going for you." Taz almost laughed. That was something she was very aware of but she pulled through and managed to keep a solemn face.
"Yeah so - wait...Laylah we don't live on a street." Beth was thicker than sheep.
"Oh yeah! What should I say instead of street?" Whilst they were deciding where they lived, Taz got bored and asked if she could start. The lesson was fine but Taz was constantly distracted by Beth and Laylah's theories to why antiseptic cleans wounds. One of them was that little green men lived inside and when you put them on wounds they push blood back inside. It was safe to say that Taz was happy when it was over but her happiness was replaced with frustration as she remembered that Up was giving her calculas lessons. She even spat the word when she said it in her head! Taz grabbed the books from her dorm and headed to Up's.
It seemed as though Up was ready for this as he had his calculus text book out and various other books and stuff.
"Alright Taz. Ready to learn some calculus?" Up said enthusiastically. Taz gave him a death glare which made him smirk.
"Of course. It's all I've been living for." Taz headed over to Up's bed and got comfortable.
"Right okay, if X is equal to 2.5 then what is-"
"I don't know. Probably 5." It might help if she would let Up finish the question but he understood how she loathed the subject.
"Close. X = 27.3." Up sighed. There was no point trying to teach her when she was in this mood. He walked over to the bed and sat next to were Taz was lying.
"Can we just not do calculus today?" She look at Up as he raised his eyebrows.
"If I let today slide do you promise to do it tomorrow?" Taz groaned at his offer but at least she got out if it today.
"Fine I promise. Now let's fight!" All other girls would want to stay in and cuddle but the best thing about Taz is that she was a best friend as well as a girlfriend so they had fun.
"You are so on!" After about 15 minutes of wrestling each other, Up finally managed to floor Taz.
"I'm finding this pretty hot." Up whispered.
"Try to push it much further and I'll kill you." Up laughed and leant down to kiss Taz - he knew she loved it secretly. Up took the power he had over Taz at the moment (she was still pinned to the ground) and used it to his advantage. Up knew that Taz knew she couldn't get away so she gave in to Up which is why he made the kiss deeper and got a little closer to Taz. He opened his mouth slightly and brushed his tongue along Taz's lip as she responded by parting her lips too. Taz wasn't sure how far she wanted to let this go so she quickly rolled Up over and held him to the floor.
"Floored! I win!" Up groaned and looked at his girlfriend.
"Taz! We were having a sexy moment!"
"Yes but I needed to win, lo siento mi carino." Taz giggled. Up wasn't satisfied so he used all the strength he had to lift Taz off him and pick her up to take her to the bed.
"Put me down! Up!"
"I'm tired and seeing as I get tackled as soon as we kiss, I have decided that we are gonna lie down together and cuddle because it's what normal couples do and it looks nice." Taz huffed but didn't mind the idea. Up lay down next to Taz and wrapped his arm securely around her waist.
"OK, I see why couple do dis, I guess I am pretty comfy." Taz commented. Up replied silently by kissing her hair.
"Sorry to ruin the moment Taz but just a reminder, calculus is compulsory so next time, this isn't happening." Taz groaned and settled closer to Up as they both fell asleep.

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