Get back up

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Taz slept peacefully that night. Up was right next to her in the bed and she felt as if she had no reason to be afraid of her nightmares. She woke the next morning before Up did and checked the time. 6.45 - almost time to get up. She didn't see the point in waiting so she got up and left Up's room for her own to get dressed and ready for the day. She had her first combat class in Up's level today, she was nervous and excited seeing as Up was a pretty good fighter so the rest of his class should be too. Checking that there was no one in the hallway, she crept back to Up's room, finding him looking slightly worried.

"Up!" Taz whispered. He looked up and smiled.

"Oh there y'are! I was wondering where you had gotten too so early!"

"Just changing." Up nodded and crawled out of bed to make some drinks.

"So you excited for combat today?"

"Si! Mucho, people actually worth fighting!" Up laughed and handed Taz a drink.

"You know, I think I'm beginning to understand more spanish! Maybe by the end of this year I'll be able to understand you when you just talk like you do." Up looked so genuine but Taz couldn't help laughing.

"What? I'm serious!" He smiled at her.

"So you think you can understand what I'm saying?" He nodded.

"Well parts if it anyway."

"You've known me for less dan a week and you are trying to speak my native language. I might just stop speaking English and watch your face as you try to follow." She smirked as Up pulled a face.

"I am trying to be nice to you here!" Taz laughed at Up's sorry attempt at...well...everything.

"Well stop trying you idiota!" Up pouted and changed the subject.

"What else you got today besides the best class in the world cause it's with me?" Taz raised an eyebrow.

"Don't flatter yourself. I have gym after combat, weapon education and calculous." Taz spoke the last word with hatred.

"Calculous ay? Not a fan I gather?" Up found calculous pretty easy, obviously not his favorite class but he didn't mind it.

"Lo odio." He cocked him head and Taz smirked slightly.

"Told you, you wouldn't last a second if I spoke in Spanish. I mean I hate it, dere is no point what so ever in me knowing how to do it and its so tough!" Just like her, Up thought.

"Alright well just go turn up and see how it is then if its really awful, I can help! When do you chose you language?"

"Next Monday."

"What are you gonna take?" Taz looked at Up as if he told her the sky was pink.


"Spanish. I'm going to take spanish because I am fluent in spanish." She said patronizingly. Up went a shade pinker and ran a hand through his hair. He was a good looking guy. But Taz shouldn't be thinking if him in that way, he was her best friend and he was probably sick to death of all girls looking at him so she tried a little too hard not to look at him. Thankfully, he changed the subject - he still looked a little embarrassed at how stupid he just sounded.

"Right well I'm gonna go and get changed and ready but I'll see you in a minute then we can go for breakfast. Sound good?"

"Si, be quick I'm starving." She joked. He flashed a smile then bounded round the corner to his room. When Taz was sure he was gone, she sighed with relief.

"El es muy caliente..." She was a young teenage girl who's best friend was the hottest guy in the academy, surely she was aloud to think this, it was totally natural.

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