All eyes on her.

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Today was the day. Today was the day Tia would start training to become a real starship ranger. What she had always dreamed of becoming. She tied her long, jet black hair back into a loose pony tail and neatened it up with a red bandana. Then put on her uniform and saw that it completely drowned her. Tia rummaged through her clothes and found a white tank top. She ditched the camouflage top and put on her tank top instead, then found a belt for her ridiculously loose bottoms. That was better, it was more her style. Tia knew that she was the youngest person ever to be taken on my the training academy so she wanted to make an impression. Tia wasn't just some stupid little girl who wanted a cute little adventure in the stars, she was a tough son of a bitch. The little Mexican girl headed over to the Hall where a ceremony was being held to introduce the new students. The hall was massive, how on earth was she meant to find her way around? Thankfully, as if on cue -

"Would all new trainee students please report to the stairs" Tia looked around to find the stairs and found a small set of steps leading up to a platform where she figured they would be introduced on. Numerous people glanced in her direction as she walked by, she silently swore that if any looked at her the wrong way she would stab them. She looked sideways to a group of people who seemed to be staring at her. They looked about 4 years older than Tia but she was probably strong enough to fight them all. Just as she was about to turn back and carry on, she found herself lost. Surrounded by a lot of tall people who she couldn't see past. Tia spun around frantically trying to find a way out was she almost fell over but was steadied by someone.

"Woah, careful. You don't wanna get lost now." A thick southern accent was presented in this persons voice. Tia turned around to be met by saphire blue eyes staring back at her

"Uh, si. Lo siento señor." She was a little nervous, this never happened to Tia, she was the toughest hijo de puta on earth. But her first day was getting worse and worse. She was so nervous that she forgot English.

"What? Sorry, I don't speak umm...whatever you're speakin' in." Tia had to think hard to find the words.

"Of course, sorry. I'm a little lost, it's my first day." The fair haired man raised his eyebrows.

"You're a student here? Dead God, how old are you?"

"Quince - sorry, I mean fifteen."

"Fifteen?! You must be one tough son of a gun! Tell me, whats your name?" Tia was pleased that she didn't receive some sort of pep talk about how difficult it was at the academy because she knew. She had always known.

"My name is Tia. Tia Ariella Ziera." The man, who looked around 18, processed her name and repeated it under his breath but Tia could still hear.

"Well there's hardly a chance that I'll remember that so I think I'm just gonna call you Taz. That alright with you?" Taz. She liked that name. It was less girly than Tia, it had a bit more character in it.

"Si, mucho. ¿Y tu? What is your name?"

"My name's Walker Up but everyone calls me Up. So now that we know each other, I think its time the rest of the academy did too so you'd better go on up to the stairs." Up smiled at her.

"Um, wait. Could you show me where dey are?" Taz hated feeling this vulnerable, it was stupid and small but she couldn't help it, for the first time in her life, she was surrounded by people who were probably just as tough as she was.

"Oh of course! Yeah, follow me." Up lead Taz through crowds of students, all who looked at least 2 years or older than Taz. It gave her a sense of pride. She was younger than all of these people but clearly just as able or she wouldn't have been accepted into the academy.

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