defending me

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i need u

He had texted me an hour ago. With his new home, it took me about thirty minutes to bike to his place. I didn't really think about it. I just hopped on my bike and went.

I was scared but then the bike ride made me focus on my breathing or else I would've passed out. I attempted to knock on the door, ring the bell and everything but no answer.

I knew he was home. His car was out front and the hood was still warm.

ash, u have to let me in

I sent that about text about ten minutes ago. Okay, if he wasn't going to respond, I would find another way in. I went around the house and found a ladder.

Was I really about to do this? Yes, I was. Tightening my backpack, I set out on the ladder, praying the window was unlocked. When I got to the top, the cool breeze from the night wind made me shiver.

I could see Ash's figure laying on the floor, not moving. What the hell was going on? Quickly, I flung the window open and jumped in.

"Ashtray?" I ask hesitantly. No response. I went to his body and made him face me. He looked horrible.

There were patches of dried and new blood wherever I had looked. I could see open wounds along with spots that would definitely turn into bruises in a couple of hours. His lip was busted open along with his brow.

"What happened baby?" I mumbled, choking on my words. Ash looked at me and smiled, trying to soothe my reaction.

"Almost all of this blood isn't mine princess," He told me, holding onto my wrist. "I'm okay,"

"Who the fuck did this?" I asked, walking to the bathroom to see if there were anything to clean his wounds. Before I left, I closed my eyes, trying to get myself to feel calm.

I have no idea what was wrong with me. Blood and shit had never affected me in the past but seeing Ash this way, it hurt me way past the normal responses.

"Nobody worth mentioning," Ash called out as I returned.

"They're worth mentioning if they did this," I told him. As I proceeded to firstly clean the blood and shit, I tugged his shirt off to see if there were more spots.

"Don't tell me you trynna get freaky right now?" Ash tried joking. As I cleaned his wounds, I felt my hands going shaky. "Mia?"

Shit they were shaking badly.

"Sorry, uhm," I cleared my throat. "What did you say?" Ash grabbed my wrist, bringing my shaky hands into his strong ones.

"What's on your mind?" He asked, forcing me to look at him. "Honestly ma?"

"Honestly, I don't like seeing you like this. I don't care if it's not your blood or if you're barely hurt," I said, rubbing his hands, checking to see if they hurt. "It's the principle and I'm upset because you don't deserve to experience this shit."

"Mia, this isn't the first time it's happened to me," Ash said. "If you saw the other guys, you would've thought I went too hard."

"It was more than one person?!" I asked incredulously. "Oh hell no." I pulled out of his grasp, searching his drawers.

"What're you looking for?" He asked, peeping up at me.

"A gun? Maybe a bat? I don't know. As long as it hurts them badly," I said, rummaging through his clothes and junk drawer.

"You're really that upset huh?" He asked, appearing behind me and closing the drawer softly before turning me around.

"Yes Ash..." I nodded, bringing my hand up to brush over his busted lip softly. "I already told you, I care about you...a lot."

HIGH ON LOVE// ASHTRAY x OCWhere stories live. Discover now