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    Xu Linruan took a small step back.

    But Qi Yue thought she had misunderstood, and held her arm and refused to let go, like a candy cane, she threw it a few times, but didn't let it go.

    Instead, she accidentally rubbed against the bookshelf next to her, only to hear a "click", and a few magazines fell from the gap, just pressing on her feet.

    Xu Linruan stretched out his hand to pick it up, but before he touched the cover, he was pulled away by force.

    Looking at Qi Yue again, the whole person was not feeling well. The handsome face quickly flushed red at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. The peach blossom eyes almost burst into flames. He pulled Xu Linruan and pushed him into his arms. , then flew up and kicked the magazine on the ground into the bottom of the bed.


    Xiaoye is not guaranteed for the evening festival.

    She didn't see it clearly, shouldn't she see it clearly? He kicked so fast just now, she must not have seen what magazine it was?

    Seeing how calm her expression was, it was obvious that she definitely didn't see what it was?

    Yes, that's right, that's it! As long as he plays fast enough, the magazines can't catch him.

    Qi Yue comforted himself in his heart, and dragged Xu Zhou out to "whip the corpse" for a meal. He blamed that guy. If it wasn't for what he said about restricted/restricted content, which was super classic, he wouldn't have... um... didn't stand it. lure.

    "Cough, that, just now... you didn't see anything, right?" Qi Yue said tentatively.

    Xu Linruan was pressed against his chest by him, and he raised his head slightly, "You mean that magazine, it looks pretty good."

    Fuck, she really saw it.

    A drop of cold sweat slid down the boy's forehead, and his ivory-white skin was dyed with a faint blush, both ashamed and annoyed, "Don't talk nonsense, what magazines are not magazines, it doesn't matter, that's my five years. The three-year simulation of the college entrance examination, you know, I have recently developed a little interest in learning, so I have researched a little more deeply." The

    eldest young master denied it without hesitation, lying with a blushing face and a heartbeat.

    This is definitely the worst time that the five-year college entrance examination three-year simulation was hacked.

    Xu Linruan straightened up, his breath brushed over the boy's chin inadvertently, and the other party's body was a little stiff.

    She gave an "oh", then raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at him with the corners of her eyes raised, "Qi Xiaoyue, you are very bold, you are not afraid of running out of ammunition and food when reading that kind of magazine?

    " Moved and landed somewhere, Qi Xiaoyue's face instantly darkened.

    He can endure everything, but the word "small" can't be endured, what Qi Xiaoyue, he is not small at all, his Xiaoyue can be big when he takes it out!

    Under the teasing gaze of the other party, Qi Yue's back molars were itching with anger, and he pushed Xu Linruan down on the sofa, put his hands on both sides of her shoulders, and stared at her with gnashing teeth, "Master is not small at all, The size is large, and there is enough food left, so you won't run out of ammunition!" The

    young man's delicate face was slightly red, his chest was heaving violently, and although his tone was fierce, it still revealed the nervousness in his heart.

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