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"You... kiss me, okay?" It

    stands to reason that he is a man, and he should take the initiative to do this kind of thing, but he can't grasp Xu Linruan's mind, and he doesn't know how she treats him. thinking, so when facing her, I felt a little less confident in my heart.

    If he kisses him rashly, he will make his girlfriend unhappy, and his future benefits will definitely be gone.

    After speaking, Qi Yue's ears were a little hot. He tapped the corner of his mouth with one hand, and held Xu Linruan's wrist with the other, looking at her with a bit of hope in his eyes.

    Apparently it had been planned for a long time.

    Xu Linruan just glanced at him, his eyes were still meaningful, and he asked himself, it's hard for people to disagree with this guy's small appearance when he blushed.

    So she smiled and held the young master's face gently, and said softly in his ear, "Then I kissed?"

    Those slender and soft fingers caressed his face meticulously, and the voice in his ear was inexplicably a little love/ignorance. .

    Qi Yue suddenly felt a little breathless in his chest. He felt that this woman was just like the goblin played on TV, and even her voice was so pleasant.

    This is the end of it.

    The breath in his ears was soft. Qi Yue only felt that his ears were a little itchy and numb. He couldn't help raising his hands and rubbing them. He secretly glanced at Xu Linruan again. The girl had slender eyelashes and black hair and snow skin. , as beautiful as a painting.

    His eyelashes trembled slightly, his breathing stopped for a moment, and then he was bitten. He was still a little aggrieved because the bite was painful.

    "Hey, don't bite."

    Xu Linruan kissed the corner of his mouth.

    The kiss had a gentle and delicate taste, and it was very soft, and the eldest young master couldn't help but indulge in it. He held her fingers tightly with both hands, as if he couldn't breathe, and tried to breathe.

    After the kiss, Qi Yue's eyes were still a little wet.

    A thin layer of red slowly appeared on his skin from his neck to his cheeks, spreading to the corners of his eyes, and his breathing was still a little hurried. He was quite tall, and his Adam's apple with obvious opposite sex characteristics rolled up and down, as if trying to restrain something.

    Qi Yue wanted to die a little bit, and was also very ashamed. He just kissed someone, and that's it!

    This brother is too unsatisfactory to give him no face at all.

    Qi Yue was a little depressed, and was afraid of Xu Linruan's jokes, so he put his hands around her waist and wrapped her tightly around her to prevent her from discovering the abnormality in her body.

    Xu Linruan was restrained by him too tightly and felt uncomfortable, so he pinched his lower back, "Why is your face so red and you have a fever?" She reached out to touch his face.

    In the end, I didn't know where I met, but the guy's reaction became more obvious, his body shook, and he didn't know which tendon was attached wrongly. He hugged her and ate two more bites, and smeared her face with saliva.


    So is this product pro-addicted?

    Qi Yue was really addicted, but he was embarrassed to say this, and he didn't dare to look up into Xu Linruan's eyes.

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