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Qi Yue arrived at the parking lot, put things on the back seat, the car started, and the Ping An Fu hanging in front of him also shook instantly.

    He glanced at the shaking yellow Ping An Fu, and suddenly felt a little uneasy, an inexplicable heart palpitations poured out of his chest, as if something bad had happened.

    This kind of feeling is very strange. Qi Yue can't figure out his thoughts, and he thinks that he is thinking wildly again. They have already made an appointment to see their parents tomorrow. Ruan Ruan can't lie to him at such a time.

    The young master smiled and shook his head, and drove the car to the driveway where his girlfriend was waiting. There was no one under the street lights, the car window was silent, and the sky was dark.

    Qi Yue's face instantly turned ugly.

    He called out of the car, "Ruan Ruan..."

    No one responded. Qi Yue held the steering wheel a little harder, and his heartbeat accelerated, but thinking about it, he felt that it was impossible, so he comforted himself in his heart that she might It was halfway through that I remembered that I didn't buy something, and went back to the supermarket to buy something, so I took out my mobile phone and started making calls.

    He found that his hand was a little unsteady. He pressed the screen several times but didn't respond, and the expression on his face couldn't hold back. "...Stop playing, okay? Ruan Ruan, don't play with me..." The

    phone couldn't get through . , Qi Yue's face was even more ugly, he slammed the steering wheel hard, then opened the car door, rushed down and shouted, "Ruan Ruan..."

    He rushed into the supermarket to find a circle, there was no one inside, no one everywhere, Qi The more he leaned on his knees and gasped for breath, he looked at the nearby driveway, there was no one, there was no traffic or vehicles, it couldn't be that fast, it should be someone, someone took her away...

    His subconscious reaction was Xu Zhou, but Thinking about it, it feels wrong, it can't be Xu Zhou's, the matter between them has been made clear long ago, and Xu Zhou can't forcibly take people away regardless of her wishes.     Qi Yue thought of Jiang Rang again. That guy had looked for Ruan Ruan over and over again before. If those people followed Jiang Rang's trail to find Ruan Ruan and kidnapped Ruan Ruan in revenge...

    He didn't dare to imagine the consequences, the palm of his hand holding the phone was sweating constantly, and there was a trace of nervousness and unease in his black eyes.

    If that's the case, he'd rather... I'd rather she was playing with him, bullying him, watching him anxious, than... She was really taken away, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stand it, he would really go crazy dropped.

    Qi Yue took a deep breath, barely suppressing the emotions that made him go berserk.

    He wanted to calm himself down, but found that his mind was full of pictures that his girlfriend would encounter unexpected events, and he would go crazy if he continued like this.


    So Qi Yue found the hotel where Jiang Rang was staying. When the door opened, Jiang Rang was quite surprised and greeted him with a smile.     Qi

    Yue took a step forward, grabbed the collar of his shirt directly, and punched him in the face mercilessly, "Don't tell me, this matter has nothing to do with you?"

He was punched, and the corners of his mouth swelled immediately, he pushed someone, and his face was not very good-looking, "What happened, I don't even know what you are talking about, you fight as soon as you meet, you are an old man. Are you bullying?"     Qi Yue clenched his fists hard and stared at him with gloomy eyes, "Don't pretend to be stupid, they followed you into the country, originally to get revenge on you, but now you're fine, but instead you disappear. It's my girlfriend, but how did they meet and find Ruan Ruan? Don't tell me, this has nothing to do with you."     Jiang Rang's face changed slightly, and after a moment of silence, he looked up at the person, "You It's okay to doubt me, but I can tell you very clearly that this matter has nothing to do with me."     "It has nothing to do with you?" Qi Yue sneered, "Oh, if you didn't come to your door frequently, Ruan Ruan would disappear? Tell me you don't know their whereabouts at all, tell me, where are they?"     Jiang Rang rubbed the corner of his aching mouth and looked up at the person, "I don't know the exact location, I just know that they were there before. There was a transaction for a villa in the western suburbs..."

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