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Qi Yue was suddenly angry and laughed, this guy is really sick, what does it have to do with him, just come to educate people, does he seem to have a good temper?

    The young man squinted at the person, his tone was disdainful, "The surnamed Jiang, your Virgin is reincarnated, don't worry about it so wide? If you are bored, you can go to a place with more people to record some music, maybe there is some big news you can find out? If it becomes popular in the future, maybe he will become the number one puppy in the campus newspaper!"

    Jiang Mian's face turned even redder, and she felt wronged to death. She really came to apologize with good intentions, but this guy kept holding on to this piece of paper. If you don't let it go, isn't it just a breakup? People don't like him, why is he so serious?

    The girl's stubbornness also came up, and looked at the person unconvinced, "It's fine if you don't accept it, anyway, I'm here to apologize sincerely..."

    "That's it," Qi Yue glanced at her, his black eyes still thin, Yu Guang passed the girl's figure inadvertently, his tone indifferent, "Well... if you sincerely apologize, you will pay me a girlfriend."

    He put the cigarette in his mouth, and his voice was a little indifferent. Patient, her voice is low and hoarse, but there is an inexplicable temptation and sexy.

    Jiang Mian's face was blushing. He didn't know what this guy meant, but it was not a good word. "You, what do you mean by saying this?"

    Qi Yue stroked the broken hair on his forehead, revealing a smooth forehead, cynical. There is an irresistible charm in his posture, "What do you think?"

    Jiang Mian was speechless, wondering if it was what she thought. She just wanted to refuse to say it was impossible... But the

    boy suddenly scoffed . He said, his face changed suddenly, his tone was contemptuous and disgusting, "It means, go away and order the green tea monster, even if I break up, I won't like you!

    " Will he not see it? In the past, I was quite happy to play with them, but I'm in a bad mood recently, and these guys didn't wink at him, so don't blame him for being ruthless.

    After the boy finished speaking, he stretched out his long legs and walked away without looking back, his disgusting eyes as if there was some garbage behind him.

    He can feel it now. It is estimated that Xu Linruan is also impatient when facing him. I wish he would go away. If you look at it like this, it is really a tit for tat, fuck!


    Jiang Mian looked at the orchid that fell to the ground, embarrassed and a little angry at the same time, and an unspeakable grievance poured out of her heart. Should this guy be so arrogant, she just came to apologize sincerely.

    Which eye did he see that she liked him...


    The girl bit her lip and watched the orchid that she had worked so hard to feed to the ground.


    and on the other side.

    Xu Linruan finished the day's course step by step without anyone's interruption, and she had a very relaxing few days.

    After school in the afternoon, Xu Linruan will finish on duty and return to the classroom on the same path.

    It was already evening, except for the students who were still on duty at the school, there was no one in the whole teaching building.

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