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"Ruan Ruan... What are you, awake?" The

    hoarse voice revealed a languid tiredness. Qi Yue rubbed the palms around her waist for a while, and then lifted his head from behind her neck. .

    Xu Linruan noticed a problem. After eating this guy, he became more sticky. He thought he was sticky enough, but now he is full of brown sugar, and he refused to relax for a moment.

    She patted the arm that was bound at her waist, "Let go, you're holding it too tightly."

    Qi Yue relaxed a little, buried half of his face in her neck and sniffed lightly, smelling like nothing on her body. Aroma, his voice softly coaxed people, "Okay, relax, you were too tired last night, and now you need a good rest."

    Xu Linruan pushed people's heads away seriously, "That sounds nice, you know that others are tired, Are you still clinging to it?"

    Qi Yue's ears were a little red, he thought that last night was quite nothing, in order to make people happy, he made a very shameless promise in ||, what was not written/one// did not feel Tired, he didn't write anything, "Are you angry?"

    Xu Linruan was too lazy to pay attention to him.

    Qi Yue didn't write anything, got up, didn't write anything, didn't write anything ///On friends/, he coaxed softly, "Don't be angry, okay, I didn't mean it, I don't know if it would be like this, don't dislike it. I, I will study it later, it will definitely not hurt again."

    Is this what she is angry about? It was clear that this guy was too noisy. When he got entangled, he wouldn't let go, and he wouldn't even give him a chance to catch his breath.

    Seeing that she was ignoring him, Qi Yue took a few more breaths, and his breathing became lighter, "Otherwise, wouldn't it be okay without you?


    Xu Linruan pushed people's head away, thinking that this guy has quite a lot of tricks, looks quite innocent, blushing shy at every turn, doesn't write anything practical, likes sweet people, and fills it in for her from head to toe.

    I don't know where I learned the tricks, I didn't write anything, I still cried if I didn't give it to him, the dark eyebrows were wet, and it was life-threatening to get entangled. If I didn't write enough, I still cling to her now.

    She was in a bad mood at the moment, so she deliberately angered him, "No, I don't like clingy people. Next time, I will consider changing the test subject."

    "No, not allowed to change." Qi Yue immediately retorted.

    After he finished speaking, he realized that his tone was a bit fierce. He lowered his head and kissed her face, coaxing her softly, "Why do you want to change someone, didn't I satisfy you? I did everything according to your instructions. , stop when you tell me to stop, and move only when you let me move, you can't bully people, and I'll dump me when I fall asleep, or I'll cry..."

    "...I really cry for you to see, Anyway, I don't care, except for me, you don't want to find other men in your life."

    He put his arms on both sides of her, lowered his head slightly, and sprayed his warm breath on her cheeks, his slender eyelashes moved. , a little embarrassed to look in her direction. The main reason is that he is not really too enthusiastic, and it is full of his imprints.

    Xu Linruan couldn't help being kissed by him, and looked up at the person, "Okay, okay, can you stop kissing, are you a dog?" She pinched the handsome face with both hands, and pulled back and forth with force, "A Big man, what does it look like crying?"

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