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Got off work a little late.

    Xu Linruan stood at the door and opened the door. The living room was dark. She thought that Qi Yue had not come back. He was busy recently, and she was not very clear about his specific work.

    Closing the door, Xu Linruan went to fumble for the light switch on the wall.

    "It seems a little late for you to come back today?"

    The low male voice in the dark night was a little hoarse. When the light came on, she saw Qi Yue leaning on the sofa. She probably just woke up, and her black hair covered her eyebrows. , he stretched out his hand and dialed it back twice, his eyes looked at her faintly.

    That look looked a little wrong.

    Xu Linruan changed her shoes at the entrance, walked to the living room, and smiled naturally at people, "Why don't you go to the room to sleep when you're sleepy?"

    Qi Yue tilted her chin slightly, smiled at her, and put one hand on her. On the sofa, his long legs were folded, with a kind of casual sexiness, "I wanted to wait for you to have dinner together, but it seems a little late now, you should have already eaten, right?"

    Xu Linruan looked up at the wall The wall clock is actually only around eight o'clock, so it's not too late.

    She put down the bag and looked as usual, "Eat a little, if you haven't eaten yet, I can accompany you to eat a little more." There was a hint of comfort in her tone.

    This made the smile on Qi Yue's face a little softer, he rubbed his brows and stood up staggeringly from the sofa, "Okay, but why did you come back so late today, I've been waiting for you for a long time?

    " Because the hospital is temporarily busy, I have to work overtime for a while." Xu Linruan replied with a smile, his fingers brushing the broken hair on his cheeks, his tone was still soft.

    "Is that so..." Qi Yue came over and touched her face, his movements were gentle, and there was a smile in his eyes, "Well, then I'll wash my hands first, and you can eat with me, okay? Ok?"

    Xu Linruan replied with a smile.

    Qi Yue was silent for a moment, then turned around and went to the bathroom. His eyes were calm under the light, and his face was expressionless, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

    He stretched out his hand and washed his face, and he was much more awake. His black eyes narrowed slightly, reflecting an indifferent light under the light. He knew that she was lying to him and did not work overtime. She was with Xu Zhou in the afternoon.

    But why lie to him?

    Qi Yue lowered his eyelashes, because it was Xu Zhou?

    Because he's been with her longer, right?

    If you agreed not to contact him, why would you want to be with him? Do you care about that guy so much that you can deceive him?

    Qi Yue reached out and brushed a handful of wet hair on his forehead, and the water-stained black hair wet his chest. He was feeling a little depressed now, and he pulled the button of his neckline irritably.

    He was thinking, what could be done to keep her out of contact with those people, locked up, or locked up?


    After washing up, he adjusted his mood, and when he heard the voice calling him in the living room, he responded nonchalantly, and then went to the kitchen to get the tableware.

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