Chapter 9. SILK.

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TODAY WAS THE DAY BEFORE THE FALL. The Tributes were given a free day to develop their social skills so they wouldnt become too much of a disgrace on-stage. Cade requested separate teaching of course to Edith's silent joy, so she was left with Cecelia for the day.

She spent the first half walking in stilettos with heels too long for their own good and attempting to correct her slouchy posture. They were a simple red heel, and supposedly the ones she would wear tonight; which was a comforting thought since they weren't too flashy. Edith trusted Hera, but she was still worried the stylist would pick something horrid that would expose too much. It was the least of her worries of course, but the girl was worrying about everything these past few days.

After lunch they decided to instead to develop strategy within the Games. Early on they both realised how pointless the interview will be with a score of 12. No matter how she acted she was going to be the underdog.

"So let's go over our points, then we can talk about arena layouts," Cecelia focused, flipping through her leather notepad. "Firstly, prioritise water, finding a water source is important. But depending on the arena, there might only be one water source, making it a hotspot for tributes so you need to be careful. I know you went through the different methods to find water in the survival station so I won't focus to much on that."

"Water is important, but valued. I need to be careful, got it. Should I try to get a bottle from the Cornucopia?" Edith asked.

"Well that's the second thing, my advice to guarantee survival out of the Bloodbath would be to run immediately away from the Cornucopia. But if there are bags near you that you could grab, or if you could scavenge a weapon off a dead body, that's a priority. But value your life over a bag or weapon, there will definetly be a staff and knives for you after yesterday but I wouldn't go for them, not unless you have a way in and out."

"Okay, are the Tributes next to me going to be Cade and the 9 boy?"

"Hard to say," she continued, "...sometimes they go by numbers but if the Gamemakers want to spread out the Careers then they will change the order. If you are surrounded by Careers, you bolt okay? Even if it's Cade, I'm sorry but even if he cares he will be forced to turn on you so he doesn't appear weak. As for the third point, you need to be careful of the Gamemakers. They may not be in the arena, but with a high score of yours, they will want to show you in action, and they will do anything to get players to move. They can start floods, fires, avalanches. So dont give them a reason to focus on you, keep moving. If there is cannons going off, rest. If it has been a quiet day, you move."

"What about mutts?" Edith continued, asking the question that had been pestering her from the beginning. Yes the Tributes will be deadly, but at least she had seen them already.

"Well there is usually one main breed of mutt they use, maybe more, but usually only one severe one. This is for what they call 'the main event'. Its basically the deadly event after the feast that aims to bring you all closer together for the final battle. They structure most Games the same. But it could also be a land event also, but they won't be released until the Gamemakers get bored. I would recommend finding a high point if you are being chased by mutts, and don't ever enter a cave-"

"Edith? It's time to get ready now for your interview, we need to leave in 5," Candy interrupted, leaving before the protests of both girls.

"What? I thought we still had an hour?"

"Apparently not, an Avox gave me a note, Ill be waiting with the boy at the front, wear your heels so you can practice walking long distances," Candy tutted. Edith scoffed.

"Ignore her, she's stressed. Hey, look at me, I know you can do this, now do you remember the angle we agreed upon?"

"Of course, the underdog. Act like myself, get the pity of the capitol for volunteering and act humble, and don't mention the Med kids or Paylor. Avoid names. Stick to how mind blowing it all is, it will annoy the hell out of the careers but they will have their sight on me anyway." Cecelia cupped her face and smiled a toothy grin.

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