Chapter 29. JOHANNA MASON.

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T/W: Themes and discussion of forced sex work, rape and death.

HE WAS A SNAKE, SUNBATHING IN THE SUNSET KALEIDOSCOPE DRAFTED UP BY THE WINDOW OF THE GAMEMAKER LOUNGE. Slits for eyes followed her every move; Edith was a rat in the snake pit. But maybe she could grown fangs of her own.

      She certainly had enough adrenaline to at least grow the confidence to compensate for the power dynamic. And if there was anything definite Edith truly believed about herself with no argument, it was that whilst high on adrenaline, anything was possible for the 18 year old.

      "President Snow, I would say its a pleasure but dont you still wish for me to be honest with you, do you not? Or have my actions finally drained all respect from you?" Edith began. If she was invincible to the snake pit, she would never become bait. She would go down with a fight.

      Snow acknowledged the bite in her tone, his greedy grin crinkling his paper white skin.

      "Suprisingly no Miss Scotch, surprisingly no... but that doesn't mean I'm not angry, I am extremely as a matter of fact. But I will get to the point, you must be returning to your Tributes and I must return to the Presidential Palace - one never dwells in spaces not of their stature for too long, its why I'm grateful you have decided the same."

       Edith froze, only a dry scoff escaped her lips. "The same? What because I have locked myself away from everyone?"

       He nodded. "I am truly sorry for your sister, Vienna Skaines am I correct? But I guess your mother got the job she always wanted from it, but it is truly depressing how your family lost two siblings out of the March riot. Oh well, at least they didn't have to get rid of you in some other way. And I suppose you are wondering why I let her be Mayor, and its simple really. I gave them what they want. Your kind is so simple minded that they don't know what to do when they recieve what they desire," Snow spoke, spluttering into his wine glass on the end of his sentence. His wine seemed too thick for fermented juice - it was as raw and full as blood. It painted his lips crimson.

       Edith hated the words he spat, but she understood where he was going. He didn't consider it an excuse.

      "Now as I can tell by the look on your face you want me to get straight to the point, I can do that. Now, when I heard you skipped every single one of your prescribed performances, and you were refusing to interact with Ms Rome or your job on any level, I understood why, and I was grateful you stayed away from the public. But you disobeyed me Miss Scotch, greatly. And with that comes punishment."

      Edith gulped. He wouldn't.

      "And what does that detail, another sibling gunned down by Peacekeepers?"

     Snow released a heaving laugh.

     "Oh no dear, actually after revealing the camera footage of your second event, at the gambling parlour - I think its a rather suitable punishment to allow Mr Candelo to have his way with you just once, especially when you seemed so apprehensive to him at the billiards room..."

       Edith's heart sank, her jaw tightened. Something inside her brewed, a deep nausea that kneaded and blended her insides until a slush of organs met behind her lips.

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