Chapter 23. HIS LOST CAUSE.

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EVER SINCE EDITH WAS LITTLE, SHE HAD DREAMED OF THE DAY SHE WOULD TURN 18, FOR IT WAS A DAY THAT WOULD SYMBOLISE HER ESCAPE FROM THE HUNGER GAMES. But even if she was a year older today, it wasn't the start of an escape from the Capitol's clutches, no, it was only the beginning.

    She didn't tell her team, Woof knew of course, at this point Edith had been adopted into their crazy little family of District 8 Victors so they knew her better than she knew herself. But after Edith realised she would spend her birthday in the Capitol, she knew she didn't want to make a big deal of it - not that she would in the first place. For her, it didn't mean what it always meant to her; freedom, and time to spend with family. The closest she would get to that would be drinking her sorrows away with Woof in a corner.

      Only the stars know what the Capitol would plan if they knew.

     Edith wasn't missing out on any celebrations: birthdays weren't much to celebrate in 8, but she had a dinner back at Paylor's new house with her siblings, Paylor and her Victor family before she visited Cade's grave and that was what mattered.

      She refused to acknowledge her new age, and maybe she could escape it for the rest of her life.

    Eleven days down, and Edith was broken. Coffee was both an accomplice and a saving grace to her insomniac induced state from under two hours of sleep: anymore than a single cup and she was sent into overdrive - jittery and a complete mess. Noble, then Annie, Cade, Persephone, Artemis... she counted them down in her head. Most she found herself accountable for, the blood stained her hands in the form of scars. She would feel her locket and find gravity. Edith sighed, at least I'm not asleep; they can't get me while I'm awake.

    Edith flicked through a catalogue titled: "The Most Influential Capitolites of Our Day" - yeah, Candy gave it to her so she could freshen up on the multitude of business owners, political rivals and cultural inspirations she would meet tonight. It was a blur of adjectives and objects for names paired with a splatter of pastel. All she gathered was that the colours beige and neon  green was not a "sensation" as a famous, fashion icon named Ladle had dubbed it in a fashion column.

   She at least could giggle at the name Ladle.

    "Ah dont you just look beautiful Edith, you never fail to amaze me Hera. Now just the Capitol exstravaganza tonight then 8 tomorrow and it's over for another year!" Candy cheered, clinking her bubbly glass of champagne with Hera's wine glass.

    The hotel room they were assigned was only a quick stroll from the Presidential Palace - a quick wander to her doom. The monotonous etiquette and dance lessons Edith faced with Candy today were enough to make her want to throw up, with or without the traumatic stress and lack of sleep.

   Edith just sunk into her swivelly, plush, leather reclining chair - not caring if it damaged her soft curls or her wrinkled her dress - she pushed off, sending herself into a perpetual spiral.

    "Whoopee," Woof grumbled at their Capitol giggles, already into a bottle of rum. "Now we get to relax at the party of the century until the smell of vomit knocks us out."

    Hera sniffed indignantly, "Come on Woof, the smell cant be that horrendous. The drink masks it doesn't it?"

     Woof rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, "I dont think that's the problem. Vomiting your guts up to stuff another eclair in is."

    Hera coughed embarrassed, but Woof ignored her entirely; not wanting to go down that rabbit hole.

     "Call me when we're ready-" Woof grumbled, waltzing out the door.

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