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IN HIS ARMS, EDITH FELT AS IF SHE WAS SWEPT UP IN A FAIRYTALE. They were intertwined, connected in a hug that ought to last forever.

She felt his words of adoration linger in the storm rain, like hot breath on winter's wind.

He likes me. He fucking likes me.

Screw that! He kissed me. Oh stars he fucking kissed me.

Edith melted in his hands like watery clay, moulded to a shape neither minded all too much. In his clutch, Edith felt as if she owned the world - even trapped in anothers arms, she felt as if she was free as one ever could be.

Rain slowed, peppering soft kisses onto her skin as gentle as the last kiss Finnick placed atop her forehead. It was as welcoming as warm honey tea and the smell of freshly baked bread. He was everything and more than the world to her. He was familiar. He was real.

Edith felt herself cling to him even as he pulled away, attached tightly with scarred fingers like a wandering weed.

"Hey, the Games will be over now, we'll have to go downstairs, do you think you'll be okay love?" Finnick asked gently, cupping Edith's face.

She smiled briefly, it only faltered as she saw Finnick frown at how fake it was.

He moved his hands to her own, gripping them tightly. His chin rested on her forehead, moving slightly as he spoke, "I can cover for you-"

"No," Edith mumbled, "No, I need to confront them, and besides, people will get suspicious if I'm not around. I have nothing to be ashamed of. It was just the staring and the fact it was outed that made me so on edge."

Finnick moved to face her, nodding with worry creasing on his forehead. He took a step back with a simple smile and a hand out for her to hold.

"Come on then."

Hand in hand, they traipsed to the elevator. Edith closed her eyes as the doors shut, letting them flutter open at the end of the elevator's song.

"Edith?!" Cecelia muttered with exasperation from the opening doors, Edith immediatly snapped awake and unclasped herself from Finnick's hand.

She stepped out and immediatly fell into Cecelia's arms, the older woman sobbing uncontrollably into her shoulder.

"Im so sorry, so, so sorry, I had to tell Wil the full story-" Cecelia spluttered, but Edith only clung tighter.

"Its alright, I'm okay, Pea could've done worse-"

"Dont say that," Finnick muttered from behind them. Edith turned, feeling her comeback die on her lips at the darkened teary glaze in his eyes.

"Cecelia! Ed!" Woof stumbled into the hall from their left, Mags sobbing into his shoulder.

Finnick's eyes widened at Mags, and immediately he rushed to take her from Woof's grasp, holding onto her tight and stroking her frizzy hair.

"Jira from 2 won, Mags' tribute was in the top 2, the both of you will have to go to press soon, they'll want you both," Woof grumbled to Finnick, he got the message loud and clear, not hesitating to head back into the elevator with Mags on his arm.

Still in Cecelia's grasp, Edith turned to see him leave. His sea green eyes caught her own, between closing doors. Only a nod was shared but she knew what it meant and more.

Her lips parted as the doors closed, and immediately she clipped them shut.

The fairytale had dissipated like clearing rain, leaving her with the residue of a forgotten storm.

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