Chapter 30. INNOCENCE.

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T/W: Rape, forced sex work, violence, self harm and self depressive thoughts. This one's heavy, I hope I have tackled these topics well.

Also, Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes spoilers ahead (well its a main plot point of the book but if you haven't read it is a spoiler heh). There will be a lot more references to it going forward just as a heads up.

EDITH HAD FOUND ANOTHER FORMIDABLE FOE IN THE FORM OF A ANTIQUE, MAHOGANY, GRANDFATHER CLOCK. It ticked as it should and it was beautifully engraved with roses and mocking birds. But with each tick Edith was reminded of her problems.


Vienna is dead and it's all my fault.


I haven't seen my family in months, and I dont know if they want to see me anymore.


I practically abandoned my second family too, who knows why they deal with me after I ignored them.


I freak out at the touch of foreign skin, so much so that I have to remind myself who it is I'm touching.


And it's no better with fire. Everytime I see an open flame all of me seizes, and I'm left to sink within the bitter relapse of memories tainted by poison.


I made a promise to help a Tribute, and I dont know if I can keep it.


President Snow has given me a job.


And I didn't complete that job.


And now I have to pay for it.


With my own flesh and body.


But you're a murderer...


And you have the scars to prove it...


Why does my head tell me I deserve it?

     "I need therapy," Edith muttered to herself, flicking to another page of her magazine. She was researching Seneca Crane's interviews - so far she had deducted that he was wanting to go for something more simple this year. That or the budget said so.

     "Dont we all?" Woof laughed from behind her. Edith jumped, not sensing his presence over her shoulder. She sent him a fiery glare and immediately he melted.

     "Eh, sorry, that wasn't funny," he muttered almost spilling his coffee over himself.

      "No it wasn't," Cecelia muttered from the foyer, Arizona and Quinton were following in tow behind her. They had just come from the grading session, meaning that in an hours time: all would be revealed, and Edith was another hour closer to her fate.

      Edith refocused, watching the clock chime for 5pm. Focus on Johanna, focus on making sure the plan bides well, focus on what you can control.

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