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This bit is just a backstory of Peters time at Hydra before the Avengers:

"Can we go to the science fair pleeeaassee" Peter begged pulling on his mothers arm.
"Hmm I don't know should we take him" Mary looked at Richard with a look of thought on her face.
Both parents looked down at their son who was looking up with huge puppy dog eyes and a pouting lip.
"Sure why not, it's just down the road" Richard smiled.
"Yay" Peter jumped punching his hands in the air. His eyes lit up and he grabbed hold of his parents hands dragging them towards the door.
While his parents got their jackets and shoes on Peter couldn't stay still. He was like a bouncy ball who couldn't stop moving. After his parents had locked the door they walked down the road then cut into an alleyway to get to the school quicker. Peter stood between his parents holding his mothers hand. He was talking about his new science project he had begun at home when suddenly a black unmarked van pulled up at the edge of the alley blocking the Parkers exit. They stopped in their tracks but didn't have a chance to turn around and go back as two covered individuals emerged from the van with guns. They quickly shot both Richard and Mary. Both parents fell to the ground. Peter shocked and paralysed didn't move, he just stared at the two unknown people. They began walking towards him but Peter didn't move he just fell to his knees and grabbed hold of his mother who was still alive.
"Mum" Peter began crying.
"Hey pete look at me" she used the last of her strength to put her hand on her sons cheek "I love you".
Her hand fell to the floor and she stopped moving. Peter couldn't stop crying but the two figures grabbed him and pulled him up.
"STOP,GET OFF ME" Peter yelled flailing about trying to get out of their grasp. "MUM, DAD". Peter continued pulling forward until he felt something sharp and pointy pierce his neck.
He began to feel really woozy and heavy. His legs gave in and he would have fallen to the ground if one of the masked assailants hadn't caught him. His eyes began closing and his vision went blurry. The last thing he saw before passing out was the the masked people placing him in the van and closing the door on his parents dead bodies. Closing him off from his family and his normal life.

A long while later~
"Owww my head" Peter woke up with a throbbing headache. He sat up and looked at his surroundings. He was in a small grey room with scratch markings and drawing written all over the walls. The room was pretty bare with a bed, a sink and a small toilet all which were screwed to the floor. There was no windows with the only source of light coming from the small lightbulb hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. A small array of bars about  a head width and height were stuck to the door. Peter sat for quite a while alone. He was scared and the only thing he could think of were his parents. One minute they were smiling and talking to him the next on the floor covered in blood. He started crying again and couldn't stop for a long time. He only stopped when he heard the jingling of keys in front of his cell.

A tall man with a scar down his left cheek in an all black tracksuit appeared in his doorway. He had a large machine gun around his waist.
"Come with me" he stood waiting for Peter to abide.
Peter didn't move he was terrified. When Peter didn't move straight away the man walked up to him and grabbed him by the hair yanking him up. Peter screamed in pain. He looked up at the man.
"When I tell you to do something YOU DO IT" he pushed him forward into the doorway and directed him to and slightly bigger room than the one he was in. There were two other men stood in the room and one woman who was strapped to a chair with a gag over her mouth.

"Ahh you are finally awake" one of the men spoke. He was wearing monocle and dressed in a fancy uniform. The other man was dressed just like the one that brought him there also with a machine gun in his hands.
"What do you want with me?" Peters voice cracked as he couldn't hide the fear in his voice.
"You are a very important person" the man stepped closer to him "you see we have been searching for unique people and you my friend have what we like to call hidden heightened abilities".
"What" Peter asked quietly.
"Your special and could be very useful to us in the future we just need to get you ready" the man smiled which creeped Peter out. Peter still didn't understand why him because he was normal there was nothing special about him.
"I want to go home" Peter whimpered.
"Go home where" the man pulled Peters face to look at him "your parents are dead".
Once again tears began to form in Peters eyes. The man saw this and slapped him. The shock from this stopped Peter from crying.
"Anyway let's start your training" the man smiled once again quickly changing from a mad man to a nice guy. Peter said nothing.
The man held out a gun to Peter "shoot her".
"What" Peter stood dumbfounded.
"Shoot her" he pointed towards the woman who was petrified. Her eyes were wide open and she was pulling on the ropes holding her hands down.
"No" Peter said.
"Shoot her" he repeated.
"NO" Peter yelled stepping back.
The man sighed and looked at his two guards and nodded towards Peter. The two men grabbed hold of Peter by the arm stopping him from moving.
"I see your not going to be very cooperative" the man looked disappointed "I guess we have to do this the hard way".
He said nothing more and the two men began dragging Peter down a long corridor littered with cells just like the one he was in. Most of them were empty but he saw someone sat in one of the cells. His wavy hair was shoulder length and he wore a black suit. Peter saw he only had one sleeve with a metal arm attached to his shoulder with a red star. The man didn't notice him walk by but Peter was quite fascinated by the metal arm he had.

The men pulled Peter into a room and shacked him to the wall.
"So this is how is going to work" one of the men stood and took out a knife from his belt. "You do what we want and become docile or we hurt you".
Both men smirked at each other and Peter knew they were not going to show him any mercy but still tried to please with them.
"Please let me go I promise I won't tell anyone" Peter begged and stared crying hysterically.
Both men laughed. "Aww is little boy gonna cry". They taunted him and made fun of him then got to work. Torture. It was horrible.

Trigger Warning Torture
Blood trickled down his temple. Peter was in excruciating pain all he could feel was the burning sensation of the knife in his skin. His arms, his legs, his torso was scattered with cuts all different sizes and depth. This continued for a long time and Peter thought it was never going to stop until it did.

He was waiting for the next wave of pain but it never came. His eyes was tightly shut but then he opened them to see the two men with not knifes but sponges in their hands. They put the sponges in a bucket of water then rubbed it on Peters skin. The water was freezing cold which normally would have hurt Peter but now it was quite refreshing. They then bandaged his wounds then took him to a large room with a square mat at the centre.
"This is where you will train" the man explained. Peter didn't say anything he just nodded.
"Perfect let's begin"
For the next few hours Peter copied what they were doing not even trying to resist. The training was brutal, he got no rest and when he was too slow he got a punch to the gut.
After a few hours he was taken back to the same room he was taken to when he woke up. Peter entered to see the woman was still alive but unconscious in the chair. The man was stood leaning on the wall.
"So Peter will you do it" the man held out the gun again.
This was the first time the man used his name. Peter looked up and him and clenched his stomach, he was in a great deal of pain. Even though he could barely think straight his mind was completely clear of what he wanted to say.
"No" once again Peter sticks with his answer.
The man sighs then hints to his men who once again come closer to Peter.
"No please not again, please" Peter begs his feet unable to get a grip on the floor as he was dragged out and back down the corridor.

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