Adoption is easy. Right?

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Tony was happy this morning. After dropping the 'let's adopt Peter' on Strange he thought it would be a bit weird but it seems Strange had been having the same thoughts. Both men walked down early in the morning to get some coffee but when they walked in and wanted to sit down on the sofa but saw someone had already beaten them to it. Bucky and Steve were lying passed out on the sofa. Bucky head was on Steve's chest and they were cuddling each other. Strange was going to say something when Tony stopped him.
"Let me" Tony said walking behind the sofa and as close to the two of them as they could get.
"UP YOU GET CAPSTICLE, YOU TOO METAL ARM" Tony yelled startling the pair and waking them up.
"TONY" Bucky yelled angrily at Tony.
Tony laughed and went to get the coffee Strange had begun to make. He thanked Strange gave him a quick kiss of the cheek and went straight to the lab.
"He has no respect" Bucky said annoyed.
"We fell asleep here, what else do you expect" Steve said rubbing his eyes.
Bucky huffed and stood up to stretch them went to go shower.

In Peters room
Peter slowly woke up and looked around. He was in his room but he had no idea how he had gotten there. He looked at his bedside table at his alarm clock. The time was set at 1:12pm. He had definitely slept in. At first he was calm and waking up but then he realised how late he was to his internship.
"Shit" Peter jumped out of bed and grabbed his clothes still putting on his socks as he ran down the corridor to the lab.
He arrived out of breath "I'm so sorry I'm late I should have set an alarm".
"It's okay kid we thought you needed a lie in" Bruce said fiddling with a device.
"Oh okay" Peter said.
"Well Peter I need your help with this now your here. Could you hold this still?" Tony held one of his suit hands.
Peter held it still while Tony poked around in it tightening and lessening different objects. Peter moved his head forward to get a closer look at what Tony was doing when the middle of the hands turned blue and made a quiet wuring noise.
"Get back" Tony said stepping backwards pushing Peter with him.
The hand suddenly shot a laser at the ceiling and a small bit of plaster fell down onto the table
"Tony did you forget to turn the power off when you started tampering with it" Bruce asked startled.
"Oops" Tony gave a small smile.
"Tooonny" Bruce complained.
"Bruucce" Tony copied him.
The men looked at each other and Peter looked back and forth between them but couldn't hold it in anymore. Peter burst out laughing. Both men looked towards the laughing boy and smiled.
"Sorry" Peter said trying to stop his laughing.
The men shrugged it off and Tony got back to his suit hand making sure to cut off the power before trying again.

The day went by pretty fast and by the time Peter realised it was already 5.
While Peter was looking at something on the laptop Strange came into the room. Tony walked over to Strange and stood next to him.
"Should we ask him now?" Tony whispered to Strange.
"Well it will be easier to tell him with less people around" Strange analysed.
"Okay then" Tony and Strange walked over to Peter and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Peter we have something we want to ask you" Tony said.
"Okay what is it?" Peter asked.
"Well me and Strange were thinking and we were wondering if you would let us adopt you" Tony said slowly.
Peter was taken aback by surprise.
"You don't have to give us an answer now" Strange began but Peter butted in.
"Yes" Peter said quickly smiling widely.
"Great we can get the paper up and make it official" Tony said.
Peter ran up to the two men and hugged them. This was the first time in years he hugged someone with such compassion. The two men embraced Peter.
"Awww" Wanda said entering the room.
The three men stopped hugging and looked at Wanda.
"I ruined the moment" Wanda said.
Bruce had a little chuckle then got back to work.
"Let's celebrate with pizza" Tony said. Peter nodded happily and Tony called up the pizza place naming the order the Avenger always had which he now knew by memory.
"Peter what pizza do you want" Tony asked quickly.
"Erm [choose a pizza] please" Peter said.
Tony finished the order and put the phone down.
"Now we wait 45 minutes" Tony said.
Peter gave a sigh of relief.

Outside the tower in an alley
"You all know the plan" the guard spoke to the 6 men stood in front of him "the Avengers are a bunch of idiots but they are strong. They will not give up shadow easily".
"We leave him to you" one of the team spoke.
"Yes you all keep the Avengers busy while I go for Shadow. Do not deviate from the plan and any force can be used but Shadow mush not be killed" the man ordered "do you understand?".
"Yes sir" all 6 men spoke in sync.
"Perfect then let's get moving" he spoke grabbing a stun grenade from his pocket smirking evilly.

Back in the Avengers Tower
The pizza had arrived 10 minutes early and the team were digging in.
"Where's Tony" Vision asked sat at the table.
"Yeah where is he" Nat asked.
Everyone looked around but Tony was nowhere in sight. The team were confused until Tony came into the room holding some papers.
"I got the adoptions papers" Tony said slamming them on the table.
"That was quick" Clint said taking a bite of pizza.
"Well there isn't any time to wait" Tony grabbed a pen and signed his name at the bottom handing it to Strange who used his magic to make the pen write is name for him. Strange then lifted the pen over to Peter who grabbed it from the air. He put the papers in front of him and was about to write his name when a large bang came from the corridor. A group of men came storming in and threw a stun grenade at them.
The grenade exploded disorienting the team. The men all ran in and tried to grab Peter but Steve stumbled in front of them and punched them but missed the face and made contact with the shoulder. It still sent the man back.
The team began getting back to their senses. Peters heightened abilities allowed him to get rid of the effects quicker. He looked up to see the guard.
"You" Peter said fear in his voice.
"What didn't you miss me Shadow" the guard said.
"What do you want?" Peter said taking a step back.
"Well you of course, we can't let our best weapon get away now can we" the guard said moving closer "now do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way".
"I won't come with you" Peter said trying to stand up to him.
"The hard way it is".
The guard ran up to Peter and tried to punch him. Peter caught the punch in his hand and swatted it away the tried to punch the guard who dodged it. The two men began fighting. The man grabbed Peter by the shoulders and flung him backwards crashing him into the glass coffee table breaking it. Peter groaned in pain.
"Get away from him" Tony tried to reach Peter but a man got in his way stopping him. Tony used his arm device to bring the hand part of the suit to him and shot the man in the chest knocking him unconscious.
The team began fighting of the assailants but they were highly trained and hard to beat.
Peter was fighting the guard and they were pretty even in fighting strength but Peter overall was winning the fight. His long training at Hydra was still with him and using it to his advantage. The guard punched Peter in the face and yelled to the men.
"Code 4".
The men stopped fighting the avengers and backed up. They grabbed a canister from their belts and released them rolling them towards the team. The guard did the same to Peter.
"HAIL HYDRA" the assailants yelled.
As the team breathed in the fumes their vision began to go blurry.
Peter looked up to see the guard was putting a gas mask on his face and reached down to Peter who was now weak from breathing in the fumes. He cough a few times then closed his eyes.

Tony was on the floor coughing and watched as this man wearing a gas mask picked Peter up and flung him over his shoulder.
One of the assailants tried to help the unconscious man.
"No leave him we don't have time the man wants him back by tomorrow" the guard said.
"No stop" Tony shouted his vision going blurry.
The man turned to look at Tony then followed the 5 men who were also now wearing gas masks out of the room.
"Kid" Tony whispered as he slowly gave in to the dark unconsciousness.

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