Escape or Capture

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Peter was swinging through the alleyways thinking he had got away when he was hit in the chest by a red blast of energy flinging him into a nearby roof.
He hit the side with a bang.
"Ow" he said to himself then stood up to see a good chunk of the Avengers stood around him. Peter put his fists up ready for a fight.
"Kid you need to come with us" Tony said landing on the roof reclining his mask so his face was visible.
Peter said nothing.
"Please Peter we don't want to hurt you" Wanda said getting closer to Peter so she was a few feet away from him. Peter still remained silent in a fighting position.
"Well it's too bad because I don't care" Peter moved forward grabbing Wanda and twisting her arm backwards. He would have broken her arm it if Rhodey hadn't grabbed him by the neck and dragged him back. Peter used his web fluid to tie his legs together knocking him off his feet and onto the floor.
Vision then shot at him with his laser from the mind stone which Peter avoided and shot web fluid at him but the web fluid went straight through him. Peter ran forwards and shot web fluid at Sam and propelled himself upwards and onto Sams back. He began pulling out parts of his suit causing it to malfunction. His wings stopped working and both men fell onto the roof opposite the one Peter had just been on.
Both men began fighting. Sam punched Peter in the face knocking him backwards and jumped on top of him to stop him moving. Peter then used his legs to kick Sam in the stomach who recoiled in pain. Peter used this opportunity to stand up and uppercut Sam to the face. Both of them began dodging and throwing punched at each other. Peter made contact with Sams stomach and he fell to the floor. Peter started walking towards him so Sam looked around and saw a metal pipe by the edge of the roof which had broken off the pipes. He grabbed it and as Peter stood in front of him stood up and swung the pipe. Since he was the floor the pipe made contact with Peters chest. Peter stumbled back in agony holding his chest. He grimaced in pain.
The rest of the team in the area landed on the roof. Vision helped Sam up while the rest of them held their weapons on Peter.
"You outnumbered Kid surrender" Tony said.
Peter held his chest not saying anything. He lunged forward but Wanda used her powers to knock him off his feet. Peter fell back and knocked his head on the edge of the roof. He crumbled to the floor unconscious.
"Poor kid, look what Hydras turned him into" Rhodey said.
Tony picked Peter up and cradled him in arms.
"Let's go"
The team left the roof and headed back to the compound.
What they didn't see was a man with a scar in a black suit hiding in the shadows. He had seen the entire thing. He dialled and number and put the phone to his ear.
"What is it?"
"Shadow had the data but he got caught and lost the fight. He has been taken back to the Avengers tower. Unfortunately they now know who his is. Should we call in an extraction team to go get him out?"
"No wait a bit let's see if he can escape on his own" the line cut off and the man walked back into the shadows.

At the Avengers tower
Peter woke up with a splitting headache and an even worse chest pain. He sat up and looked around to see he was in a clear glass cell. There was nothing in his cell beside a small bench he could sit on. He stood up and walked around a little bit to get himself working again. He felt the back of his head and remembered falling and hitting hit.
"I guess I didn't escape" he thought. The back of his neck sparked pain again and he hit it.
"Time to find a way to escape" he thought noticing the security camera and staring at it.

On the other side of the camera the Avengers were watching him pace about in his cell then stare at the camera.
"I can't believe it" Nat said siping coffee from a mug.
"No one's more upset than me" Tony said "I really thought I was connecting to him".
"He's a good actor" Bruce said.
"I'm not so sure it was acting" Wanda said sat next to Vision with her hand on his shoulder.
"What do you mean" Sam said with an ice pack on his face.
"I could sense when he was happy and sad. When he was stood in front of us he was sad but a second later he was emotionless as if he had never met us before" Wanda said looking for a bit of guidance with it.
"Or as if his emotions were turned off" Vision tried helping out.
"It could be a type of brainwashing" Bucky said getting everyone's attention "I was forced through trigger words but brainwashing can come for other elements".
"So how do we do that?" Pietro asked.
"We can do a body scan of him to see if there's anything out of the ordinary" Tony said pressing a button on his device.

Peter was walking around in the cell when he saw some blue lights come down the cell. They looked exactly like the ones on the fingerprints scanner. Peter watched as they went up and down his body then turn off.
"What the hell are you freaks doing" Peter yelled at the camera pissed off.

"Well" Strange asked his arms crossed.
"Give it a minute" Tony said looking at the screen. "There".
Tony enlarged the screen so it was easy to see and pointed at a little black square on the neck of the diagram.
"That's a chip" Bruce gasped "and look how small it is. It's almost unnoticeable.
"Wait so is that what's controlling him" Nat asked.
"Seems likely so we need to take it out" Tony said.
"So Bruce how's your cutting arm".

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