The phone call

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Peter was sat on the bed. He had just finished his homework for the days. Yes he had homework on his first day at school. He had English and Science which he didn't really mind as in Hydra he didn't do that much school work it was mainly learning the ways of assassination. Peter was now pretty bored but he didn't really feel like going anywhere. He didn't want to talk to the kids as the orphanage because he would have nothing in common with them and even if he did he felt like a outsider he always had since the day his parents died. He felt like he was destined to be alone.

A few moments later his phone began to ring. Peter was confused when he checked as it was from an unknown caller and the only people who knew his phone number was Hydra who he had saved as Hallie Baster. He picked up.
"Hello is this Peter Parker" a familiar sounding voice came from the other end.
"Yes it is who is this" Peter was sceptical.
"Oh it's Tony Stark I hope you don't mind I asked Jarvis to get your phone number from the school office when you registered in" Tony's voice said.
"Oh yeah of course Mr Stark" Peter answered.
"I just called to say that you won the competition and will take the job as my new intern if you want it" Tony asked.
"OMG of course Mr Stark I would love the job" Peter pretended to be happy for this.
"Perfect I've sent what you need for the internship to the school. You should receive it tomorrow. The internship starts next week when the schools break for summer." Tony stated.
"Ok Mr Stark" Peter said then heard the other end of the line cut off. He took his phone away from his ear then dialled Hydra.
"Hello" one word came from the phone.
"It's Peter. I got the internship" Peter said.
"Perfect don't let us down" the phone line cut off. Peter put his phone on the desk then sat down. A smile creeped up on his face. The avengers would not see this coming.

A week later
Peter shoved his new invention in his backpack. He was working on a small energy device which is solar powered and can charge any electric device. He had been working on it for about a week so he wouldn't have to spend loads of time with the kids in the orphanage. He zipped his bag up and ran down the stairs. He quickly made himself a slice of toast to eat on the way and left. While he was eating he checked the time and noticed that he needed to speed up or he would be late. He ran down an alley and checked no one way there then used his webs to ding him down the alley at a tremendous speed. He stopped when he got to the end of the alley and began walking again.

A few minutes later he arrived at the foot of the avengers tower. He entered a modern state of the art reception. He walked up to an angry looking receptionist.
"Hello I'm here for the internship" Peter asked.
She looked up at him unfazed. "Kids aren't allowed in here get lost".
"Excuse me" Peter was taken aback.
"If your here for the internship show your badge" she removed her glasses.
"I haven't been given one yet" he answered.
"Well your not for the internship go away"she went back to her work.
"Call Mr Stark I'm sure he can explain" Peter began.
"Get lost kid. Mr Stark is a very busy man and does not have time for the likes of you" she looked irritated and clearly didn't mind telling him off.
"Miss" Peter was getting annoyed at this woman's incompetence.
"I said get lost" she raised her voice a little and stood up from her chair "don't make me call security".
Peter was pissed. His hand curled up and he was tempted to punch her when he heard the elevator beep and Tony Stark walked out with Bruce Banner. Tony noticed Peter immediately.
"Peter there you are" Tony walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder "you coming up, don't want to be later for your internship".
"I can't Mr Stark I don't have a badge" Peter started.
"Oh I left one at the front desk for when you came in didn't you get it" Tony turned towards the receptionist who's face was widened in shock.
"Well why hasn't he got his badge" Tony spoke.
"Well..well" she spluttered unable to get her words out "he never told me his name".
"And you didn't even bother to ask him, what am I paying you for" Tony raised his voice.
The woman looked like she was going to cry but then quickly opened a draw and got out a small card which she handed to Peter.
"This badge can get you anywhere in the compound but you will mainly use it for floor 32" Tony smiled then walked back to the elevator. He looked back at Peter "well are you coming".
Peter hurried over to the elevator and got inside. The elevator closed and began taking them up.
"So your boy genius" a voice said.
Peter looked to his right to Bruce looking down at him. He didn't know what to say.
"You complete the paper all correctly in 20 mins. That is a huge achievement even I would have struggled to get it done in that amount of time." Bruce complemented.
Peter felt happy. This had been the first time in years someone had given him a proper compliment about who he was rather than who he was meant to be.
It took about 45 seconds before the elevator pinged again and opened. Both men stepped out with Peter following behind them. Peter looked around and saw most of the avengers in the room. He noticed a few of them from the Tv. Captain America was sat down talking to the Falcon. Wanda was in the kitchen with Vision and a few others were sat at the table playing what looked like monopoly.
"Hey everyone attention please" Tony yelled getting the attention of everyone.
"This is my new intern I was telling you about" Tony said.
Everyone took their eyes off Tony and at Peter.
"Let's get this thing started" Peter thought looking around at the faces of everyone.

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