Settling in

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Peter spent the next few days getting used to the compound. He was now sleeping on the 33rd floor. His intern day was the same beginning at 10 and ending at 4. He was beginning to get more used to the avengers after the bombing incident. His memories kept resurfacing bit by bit but the worst one was the one he had after the food fight.
Peter was in the lab filling out some equations. He was near the end of his intern dat. He was doing this for a good 20 minutes filling them in then adding them to the computer. He was so busy doing his work that he didn't notice someone come into the room.
"Hey kid days up" Tony looked at the equations Peter had done and looked impressed.
"Okay" Peter said standing up and packing his things away.
Before he left Tony spoke "we are all watching a movie later on and we're wondering if you would like to join us".
"That sounds fun what movie" Peter asked.
"We Thor has never seen any time travel movies so we were going to put one on so Thor can see what they are like" Tony said.
"Like back to the future" Peter smiled.
"Exactly" Tony smiled back.
Peter then left the lab and went back to the room where he sat on his bed and began reading a book [insert any book you like] and he was a good chunk into it when his head began pounding. He put his bookmark in and placed the book next to him.
"Ahh" Peter whispered to himself and closed his eyes.

"Do it" he yelled "finish it off".
"I don't want to" Peter said looking down at the floor.
"DO IT" the man grabbed him by the hair forcing Peter to look at him. "DOES IT LOOK LIKE IM GIVING YOU A BLOODY CHOICE".
The man let go of Peters hair and waited for him. When Peter still didn't do anything he grabbed the gun and pulled Peter to look at him.
"I'll give you one last chance and you better make the right choice. Will you or will you not finish the job?" He sounded calm. A deadly calm.
"No I-I can't" Peter said his voice cracking.
"Very well" the man aimed the gun a Peters shoulder and shot once.
Peter recoiled back and fell to the ground. The man knelt down and pushed Peter down further so he couldn't get up.
"I'm going to make this clear if I ask you to do something..." the man pushing his finger into Peters bullet wound "you do it".
Peter screamed.

He scream broke himself out of his flashback. He took a few deep breaths and went back to his book trying to push the events out of his mind.
The hours passed and Peter was onto his second book when Vision came through the wall startling Peter.
He almost attacked him "jeez Vision".
"Sorry Peter did I startle you?" Vision asked.
"Nooo I just gasped for no reason" Peter said quickly realising that Vision didn't get his sarcasm.
"Well movie is starting in 10" he said leaving through the wall again.
"USE THE DOOR" Peter yelled but couldn't tell if Vision had heard him or not.
Peter put his book down and hopped off the bed grabbing his new phone (given to him by Mr Stark) and headed down to the elevator.

A few minutes later he arrived seeing Bucky and Steve already snuggled up together, Nat braiding Wanda's hair who was braiding Clint's very short hair and the rest were just dotted about.
"I got snacks" Pietro came rushing in holding snacks from different countries.
"I thought I told you to quickly run to the store to grab a few bags of sweets" Tony said.
"I did. I went to the store in 3 different countries" Pietro said placing everything on the coffee table in front of the Tv.
Tony shook his head then poured himself a glass of brandy.
Peter walked over and sat down next to Strange.
"You ready for the movie" Strange said.
"I still don't know what the movie is" Peter said.
"It's called 'Doctor Who Christmas Special'" Tony said sitting down next to Peter.
"But it's not Christmas" Sam said.
"But it's still a great movie" Bucky said "and I've seen movies from all different time periods".
"It isn't that good. It's kinda boring" Sam said sighing.
"You take that back" Bucky said sitting up.
"Or what" Sam said staring at Bucky.
Both men began staring at each other and Bucky began to stand up when Steve dragged him back down.
"No" he said one word to Bucky. "Let's just sit back and watch the film" he pressed the play button and gave Bucky a quick kiss to calm him down. Bucky reluctantly retreated back into Steve's arms.
"Children" Strange said looking over at Bucky and Sam then laid back, grabbed the popcorn and began watching the movie.

When the movie finished everyone groaned as they had to move and head to bed. Clint, Nat, Sam and Pietro left before they could be forced to help clean up.
"That was a good movie" Strange said.
"Told you" Bucky said quite loudly.
"Shhh" Steve said pointing to where Tony and Peter were still sat.
Tony had his arm around Peter who was sound asleep in his arms. Everyone's heart melted at the kid. Tony slowly picked Peter up.
"Strange sweetie would you mind making a portal to Peters room for me" Tony whispered.
Strange nodded and created a portal stepping into it and letting Peter and Tony in before closing it.
Steve watched the portal close and looked at Bucky.
"Everyone's left" Steve said sitting back down on the sofa.
"They have shouldn't we also head to be-d" Bucky looked down to see Steve smirking.
"What you going to stand there all night" Steve said lying down.
Bucky smirked and turned the light off.

At peters room
Tony laid Peter down on his bed and tucked him in.
"Isn't he the cutest" Tony said smiling.
"He is pretty adorable I can't believe he's gone through so much" Strange said "it's hard to be an orphan let alone the rest of it".
"So we should make his life as happy as possible right?" Tony said.
"Yes" Strange said "why are you asking that you know I already feel that way?"
Strange was slightly confused when he saw Tony smiling bigger than he ever had.
"I've been thinking" Tony said looking towards Peter then at Strange.
"Have you ever thought about adoption".

Far away in the depths of New York City on a rooftop
"He's had a week now and according to my spies who were watching from other buildings he won't be escaping anytime soon. I don't think he wants to escape" the man with the scar spoke into the phone.
"I know the chip has been removed" the man from the other end of the phone spoke.
"How do you want us to proceed?" The guard spoke.
"I'm sending 6 men to you. I want you to break him out" the man said.
"But the chip has been removed he won't come with us willingly" the guard said.
"I know this so I am allowing you to use any force necessary. He can be on the brink of death if he had to be but he must be alive he is our strongest weapon" the man said.
"Understood" the guard ended the call and put the phone in his pocket.
The team the man sent would be arriving in no longer than 12 hours. The guard looked across the city to the Avengers tower.
"Shadow won't know what hit him" the guard spoke to himself and left the roof.

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