The masked vigilante

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The next morning
The avengers were all sat around a table.
"What is it Steve why did you call this meeting?" Sam said taking a sip of water from a cup.
"Yeah I have things to be doing" Tony said.
"Well last night something strange happened" Steve clicked a button on a remote. The screen turned on to show some photos. Each one just as violent as the last. One showed a group of men battered onto the floor dead. Each man had bruises and blood covering their faces. One was on the floor below where he must of been flung against the building at a tremendous force as the wall had a huge dent almost crumbling it to the floor.
"Wow you don't see that everyday" Nat declared.
"5 men from the Jaxari gang were found dead. 5 men from the most notorious gang in the area all taken down" Steve switched to a video which was found from a security camera in the area. It showed a person in black fighting all five men at the same time. Their moves were swift and quick not hesitating for a second and showed no mercy when they killed them.
"Who is that?" Bruce asked sitting forward.
"We don't know the camera never shows their face"Steve said pausing the video.
"Well there must be something in the video to find out who this person is" Wanda thought out loud.
"That's not the biggest issue" Stange said giving everyone a slight fright.
"STRANGE" Tony yelled "if you enter a room and least tell people your there".
Strange smiled. "As I was saying the biggest issue is that look at the way they fought. You don't learn moves like that by just taking classes".
"Hold on" Nat said. Everyone turned to look at her "haven't we seen this type of fighting before".
Everyone went silent. Nobody spoke but the silence was broken by someone walking into the room. It was Peter and he was carrying tea and coffee in both hands. He placed them on the table and looked up at everyone. There faces were a bit shocked.
"Oh I'm sorry am I too early" Peter looked a bit scared.
"Peter good morning, No your on time we were just wrapping something up" Steve said smiling.
"Should I leave until your finished" Peter pointed behind him.
The conversation halted for a moment before Steve answered.
"You can stay if you promise not to tell anyone" .
"There's no one to tell" Peter said being entirely truthful. He really had no one to tell, he was alone.
"Sit if you want" Clint said from the other side of the table.
Peter sat down and looked at the screen. He nearly gave himself away. He was looking at his nights outing.
"What-what's this?" Peter asked.
"Someone had a bad night" Sam said.
Nothing more was said about the video to Peter.
That's it" Bucky said slamming his hand on the table.
"That's what" Nat asked.
"I've seen that fighting before. I've fought that way before. I think they are part of Hydra" Bucky said putting his hand to his mouth.
"No.No way Hydra hasn't been sighted in months and why would they attack a gang that's not their style" Thor spoke.
Silence once again filled the room. It was Peter who broke it.
"Your drinks are getting cold you should probably drink them"
"Yeah don't want our drinks getting cold" Thor grabbed his and quickly downed it in one.
Peter stood up grabbed the cardboard holders for the drinks and put them in the bin.
"Well I'm going to head to the lab with Bruce we can talk more about this later". Tony stood up and tucked his chair in.
"Mr Stark do you want me to put your empty cup in the bin" Peter asked politely.
"Thank you Peter and please call me Tony" Tony handed Peter his empty coffee cup.
Peter pretended to put it in the bin but sneakily put it into his backpack. He would be needed it later. He then followed Tony and got ready for another day of being an intern.

Peter enjoyed working with Tony he found it enjoyable and it made him truly happy something which he had not felt in years. The stupid arguments between Bruce and Tony always made him laugh.
"Where's the data" Tony asked.
"It's in the folder in the corner" Bruce said.
"No it isn't" Tony complained.
"Yes it is I put it there myself" Bruce said.
"If I say it isn't there then it isn't there you idiot" Tony looked at Bruce.
Bruce turned around "not that corner you dumb brain the other corner". He pointed to the folder.
"Oh well you should have been more specific" Tony said stubbornly. Bruce rolled his eyes. Peter tried to hide the smile creeping up his face.
The day went by incredibly quick and before Peter knew it was time for him to go home. He grabbed his backpack and was about to leave when Tony stopped him.
"Kid since the party's tomorrow you don't need to come in just come when the party starts. Your a great kid and despite only knowing you for a short while I care for you" Tony smiled and walked out of the room dialling a number into his phone.
Peter walked to the elevator and pressed ground floor. He was really happy but then stopped smiling. What was he doing? He was on a mission they were just pawn pieces so he could finish it.
"Snap out of it Peter" he said slapping his hands on his cheeks. The elevator dinged and he got out then walked the journey home.
When he got back to the orphanage he went straight to his room avoiding everyone and sat at his desk. He got the coffee cup out of his bag but made sure to only touch the rim, he couldn't contaminate the cup.
"Well" Peter said cracking his knuckles "let's get ourselves a thumb print".

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