Party time

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Peter stepped outside the elevator and already felt out of place. From the looks of it he was the youngest at the party.
"Peter you came" Wanda came over and gave him a hug. Peter gave her a hug back. She then dragged him further into the party where most of the Avengers were sat in the middle of the room.
"Thor get your hammer off the table" Tony said having a sip of his drink.
"What it's not harming anyone" Thor said downing a shot.
"Thor just remove the hammer" Nat said.
"Alright" Thor raised his hands then grabbed his hammer and swung it playfully at Tony missing him by and inch.
"Fuck" Tony yelled started "THOR".
"Language there's a kid in the room" Steve said instantly regretting what he had just said.
Everyone looked at each other and yelled in sink "DID CAP JUST SAY LANGUAGE".
"Damn it guys" Steve put his hand on his forehead and everyone laughed including Peter. Peter hadn't laughed properly in years so this felt really nice. He stopped laughing and saw everyone looking at him.
"What is there something on me?" Peter looked down at his clothes.
The team smiled.
"It's nothing kid just nothing" Bruce said brushing it off.

Peter spent the next hour with the team trying to find an opportune time to sneak away to the lab. Everyone was taking turns trying to pick up Thor's hammer so Peter saw this as an opportunity.
"I'm going to to the toilet" Peter said standing up. Some of the team who were listening just nodded as they were too focused on Tony and Rhodey trying to lift Thor's hammer with their suits.
Peter walked out the room and when he was out of view left towards the lab. As he entered the lab he saw Steve's shield hanging from the wall which he remembered he was going to do tests on the next day, well if he was going to be there the next day. He went straight to the computer and opened it. He put in the password he got last time and reached the thumbprint scanner. He carefully took the fingerprint out of his little box and pressed it down onto the scanner. Everything depended on this not setting off the alarm. He watched the blue scanner go back and forth on the thumbprint until it went green and the screen turned on.
"Hello Mr Stark" an AI spoke from the screen.
Peter reached into his other pocket and pulled out a black USB drive and plugged it into the computer.
The AI spoke "all data copying onto new disk" and a white screen came up with a small Green bar to show the progress. All Peter had to do now was wait.

Back with the Avengers
Everyone had failed on picking up Thor's hammer beside Vision who they already knew could. They were all laughing and joking with one another when Strange asked something.
"Where's Peter?".
"Oh he went to the toilet" Bruce said.
"For 10 minutes" Vision said.
"Hmm maybe I'll go look for him" Steve said since he was closest to the door.
Steve walked down the corridor to the toilet and knocked on the door.
"Peter, you in there" Steve heard no response so opened the door and looked inside. It was empty. He was about to go back to the party when he heard a noise further down the corridor. He followed the noise into Tony's lab where he saw Peter stood at the other end. He walked into the room and round the side of the table.
"Peter what are you doing here?" Steve questioned.
Peter turned around like a bolt of lightning to look at Steve but remained still keeping his body in front of what he was doing so Steve wouldn't see it.
"Ermm the party was too loud so I came here for a bit of piece and quiet" Peter said trying to keep as straight face.
Steve lifted his head forward to try and see what Peter was doing but Peter moved to keep his view line empty.
"You could have gone anywhere for some quiet why here" Steve clearly didn't believe Peters I wanted some quiet time story.
Peter was about to say something when the AI of Tony's computer spoke "copy of data complete".
Peter didn't waste any time, he turned and grabbed the USB drive then ran past Steve into the corridor. Steve chased him shouting after him.

The other Avengers in the main room heard shouting and looked towards the corridor where they saw Peter running out holding something. At first they thought he was just playing some game when Steve ran out and flung his shield towards Peters head. Peter caught it with one hand and flung it back at Steve who barely caught it without getting hit. Peter ran down the stairs and towards the windows but couldn't reach the exit as now Vision had blocked it. Peter stopped in his tracks covered at every angle.
"What's going on" Wanda asked confused.
"Yeah Steve why are you attacking Peter have you gone mad" Tony said defensively.
"He just copied all your files including our defence system and all our encrypted top secret files" Steve said running down the stairs until he was a few meters away from Peter.
"What" Nat gasped and everyone's eyes turned on Peter.
"Give me the drive Peter" Steve said reaching his hand out.
"What drive?" Peter asked innocently.
"Peter you don't want to do this" Steve said sincerely.
"Ohh, you mean this drive" Peter lifted up the drive taunting them.
"Peter what are you doing?" Tony said taking a step forward.
"You can stop this now" Nat said.
"You think I want to do this" Peter started laughing "you guys have been kinder then anyone has to me in years".
"Come on Peter just give us the drive it's your choice" Clint said.
"My choice. MY CHOICE. I DONT HAVE A CHOICE. I DONT GET A CHOICE" Peter started yelling getting emotional but then felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck making him suddenly not care at all for them. All the happiness he felt for them suddenly disappeared. They were now nothing to him. It was almost as if all emotions had suddenly been cut off. This was not the first time he felt this feeling it happened almost every mission but Peter didn't ask questions because afterwards he didn't care until something truly emotional happened. It was mainly when he thought back to his parents when he was killing other peoples family members.
"Peter..." Tony looked sympathetic.
Peter looked up at them coldly.
"Well the thing is you know me by Peter but the people I work for call me by another name" Peter calmed down now and smirked.
"And what's that" Thor said holding his hammer.
"I go by Shadow" Peter smiled again knowing they would recognise the name.
"No.. tell me that's not true" Bruce said who had gotten just as close to Peter as Tony had.
Peter checked his watch "Ive got to go now" pouting his lip he ran backwards pressing some sort of device rolling it onto the floor and smashed through the window falling down 32 floors. The team looked down and saw him shoot something from his hands propelling him forward and away from the ground.
"Guys it's flashing" Pietro said looking at the small metal ball.
Strange looked at it and his eyes widened "everyone away from the device now" he put up a magic shield.
The metal ball flashed once more and exploded. The team were all flung back and the windows and furniture a few feet away from the explosion were shattered and broken.
"Is everyone okay" Tony said coughing and swiping his hand across his face.
"Nat" Clint yelled running over to her on the floor cradling her arm.
"I'm fine it's just my arm" Nat said while Clint had a look at it.
"It's broken" Clint said.
"Is anyone else hurt" Bruce asked looking around. A few of the Avengers had a few cuts and some looked a bit banged up but nobody besides Nat was dangerously hurt.
A few seconds were dead silent before Tony got back to task.
"Right we,can't let him get away with those files, Vision, Rhodey, Thor, Falcon and Wanda come with me to catch him now" Tony said pressing his watch sending his suit towards him.
"Capture him?" Rhodey asked.
"Anything you can to get those files even if you have to knock him unconscious" Tony said.
"He's just a kid" Wanda said.
"A kid whose killed hundreds of people" Steve said with his arms crossed.
Wanda had nothing to say she just didn't look Tony in the eyes.
"If everyone is done asking questions we need to go he's getting away" Tony said jumping out the window and flying in the direction of Peter.
The rest of them quickly followed getting ready to fight.

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