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Mom : Y/n you broke a cup. And i guess this is the 5th cup you broke.

Y/n : Mumma we can just buy one.

Mom : You became so lazy sitting at home. Go work somewhere.

Y/n : Well. I don't need. My dad is rich and gives me enough pocket money.

Mom : Ahh i am so worried about your future now.

Y/n : Mumma stop it now. I am bored.

*time skip*

*Y/n's Dad comes*

Mom :Welcome back honey.

Dad : Y/n how was your day?

Mom : She broke another cup today.

Dad : Oh you are so clumsy.
Btw Y/n I have something to tell. I recently invested in an arts company. They teach each and every kind of art. And I met a guy. He is pretty good in Taekwondo. So I enlisted your name. You are going to learn Taekwondo from tomorrow.

Y/n : No dad. Not at all.

Dad : Y/n not this time. You said you want to learn sculpture I allowed you but what are you doing now instead of making sculpture you are breaking things.

Y/n : Dad.

Dad : no. You are going that's it.

Y/n : I won't.

Dad : I'll double your pocket money.

Y/n : ahhhhh. Okay. Done.but one condition. I'll only attend it for one month. If I like it I'll continue.

Dad : okay deal.

Next Day

Y/n : I don't know what kind of guy he is. I know Taekwondo is boring. Let's cause some trouble there so he quits teaching me.

At the arts Company.

Y/n enters the room. He was already standing there facing the wall.

Y/n : Hello Mr.........

JK : Mr. Jeon.

Y/n : Hello Mr. Jeon.

JK : Hello Ms. Y/n.

Y/n : [OMFG.i thought he is some old guy with wrinkles but he looks so young and handsome. I didn't expect my coach to be so hot]

JK:What are you staring at.?

Y/n : uh sorry.it's nothing.

JK:let's get started.

Y/n : Yeah!


Word Count : 334

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