[001] how to be a heartbreaker

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chapter one how to be a heartbreaker

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chapter one
how to be a heartbreaker.

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The taste of metal spread along the inside of her mouth, resting on her tongue and making her frown at the taste. You would think she would get used to it but it just reminded her of the time she had swallowed a penny. It wasn't a very great experience and her mother wouldn't let her around change for the longest time. Her leg bounced up and down as she looked at the clock intensely, not caring about a single thing her teacher was saying. She was convinced that he didn't even know she attended his class, he always marked her absent anyway.

Bouncing her leg, biting her lip, and getting lost in her imagination was a daily occurrence that happened in her last period. They were so so close to the point where she could taste it as if it was the blood on her tongue.

She really had to stop biting her lip.

But the smell of freedom was about to lead her out the door as if she was a cartoon character that had gotten distracted by the smell of fresh pie. She was convinced that she would start floating and everything.

If she did start floating she would probably need an exorcism now that she thought about it. Maybe Ed and Lorraine Warren would show up and help her out just like in the conjuring movies.

Shoot, now she needed to have another binge.

She wondered who would call the Warrens if she really did need an exorcism. Perhaps it would be Demetri. . .or Sam. Sam knew it was her dying wish to meet Ed and Lorraine. Though she preferred the ones from the movie because they were more attractive to her. . .no hate to the real people.

Anyway, she turned her head to look back up at the clock. 5 minutes left, thank god. This teacher had the most slow and boring talk that it was hard to follow along. Her mind moved too quickly that she had come up with about 3 different and specific scenarios all before he could even get to the point of what he was teaching. Plus his long pauses as he waited for the class to reply to his stories were the worst.

None of them had mind reading sir, quit pausing as if we know how your divorce with your wife went down. At least that's what she said in her head every time he told a life story though of course it always changed depending. For all she knew she could be a part of one of those superhero movies that Demetri, Eli, and Miguel liked to watch on Saturday nights while she browsed through a magazine.

Speaking of magazines, she wished they hadn't changed as much. She missed the quizzes and word searches and the love advice she didn't even need but loved looking through.

3 minutes. Wow, had it really only been two minutes? She could have sworn it was more.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she felt something nudge her shoulder. She was about to start yelling at them before a piece of folded up paper caught her attention. She looked toward her boyfriend at the other side of the room only to find him staring confused at the pair. It must not have been from him then.

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