Part 4: Nightdust

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Song: Skin and Bones - Cage The Elephant

The storm got worse by the minute. It didn't help that once they entered the flatter hills of the main valley the trees fell away to snow covered hills. There was no shelter and the ground was slick. The group of five turned out to be part of a larger group of at least nine that she had seen so far. They had been spread across the valley in two smaller groups as if they were looking for something. That made Lithias stomach twist with unease but she just settled for observing them the best she could. The new comers did not speak the Mountain Tongue and all four seemed to be male. Two of them seemed to be younger, perhaps even younger than herself, like the two in her own group.

The two older ones had exchanged words with both the Healer and the largest man who he had spoken with earlier. She assumed that he was their leader or at the very least their guide. The Healer was the only one who wanted her anywhere near them and it was obvious even with the language barrier. She just hoped the others fear didn't extend to an intent to kill her the moment the opportunity should arise. She was wondering where they had left their mounts when they finally arrived at a small camp on the edge of a cliff, the curved cliff face above offered shelter from the intense snow to a set of thick fur tents.

They were in a sort of line pressed against the stone cliff for the best shelter. There were only three and two were notably  larger than the one in the center. This was a common tactic for mountain travel, the more insulated a tent is, the easier it is to heat with melting stones. The more bodies in a tent the warmer it is to start with. In a climate such as this, privacy meant little in comparison to shelter. As soon as they arrived, the four younger members of the group were dismissed by the burly leader and scrambled for their tent without argue. The other four stalled in front of the tents, just out of the snow, and gathered in a small huddle as they spoke among each other.

Meanwhile, Aakine sidled up to Lithias as she slid off of Othanis's back. A small mound of snow hit the ground and she could feel how the dampness had penetrated the hole in her cloak and soaked the bandages underneath. She could only grimace as her good foot hit the ground. The bad one she kept just above the ground and used her arms to brace herself between the two creatures. She wondered where they would go. Their thick fur would surely be more than enough for the current conditions and they would not likely want to stray far. They needed to hunt and rest as well so she assumed they'd likely linger nearby and take shifts doing so.

It was only a few moments before the healer was approaching her. He seemed a bit bothered by something they had discussed but not necessarily angry or upset. She brushed it off as he gestured for her to follow him towards the middle tent. It was difficult to get inside and for the first time she wasn't able to suppress the groan that slipped from her teeth as she was forced to crouch slightly into the tent. Once inside however, she was immediately relieved by the wave of warmth that greeted her body. She could only half hear the two Kilthra sniffing angrily outside as they protested being separated. She knew they wouldn't act however, in the end it was only a few inches of fur that separated them, fur they could easily shred with their finger length claws.

The Healer quickly had her sit on an already made bed roll. She noted there was another still rolled on the other side of the room. She also noted that the one she laid in was fresh, they had likely arrived this morning and made camp before the storm. They hadn't yet slept here. She was hesitant at first but when he eyed her layers of clothing and the side she was clearly favoring she began to slowly peel layer after layer off her damp skin. The Healer to his honor turned and found her a fresh loose shirt that would provide some modestly while he examined her wound. It had a row of buttons on the side so once she was in it she was able to twist it so only her discolored flesh was available to prying eyes.

Staring up at the pointed top of the tent Lithias was aware of every breath the Healer took as he examined the burn. It was clearly a burn from magic, she only hoped he couldn't tell it was the result of a failed ward and not direct spellwork. If he could he didn't say. Instead he simply took a few moments to gawk and curse in his native tongue, at least that's what it sounded like, before he dove into a bag next to the unopened bed roll. He pulled out multiple vials and seemed rather unhappy with what he had come up with, or rather what he hadn't given his next statement.

"I can wash the wound, I cannot help with pain." Lithias almost laughed at the irony. Pointing to her pile of clothing beside her. The Healer raised an eyebrow and after a nod of permission, fished through the pile until he found the small pouch that had been attached to her bed. He dumped the two jars in his palm, one was nearly half empty but the other was still sealed tight. He opened the vial and dipped his finger in. Bringing it to his mouth he placed a very minute amount on his tongue. After seconds his expression grew curious. "Nightdust." Even with her limited use of this language she still remembered the term for one of the most common medicines of the mountain.

The Healer mulled this over, repeating the name to himself. He seemed conflicted as he examined his supplies, as if he was unsure of the correct course of action. Finally when it looked like he was about to make a decision there was a loud growl from just outside the tent. Lithias looked up just in time to see the leader return but with another figure this time. So there are ten. She was confident she had not seen this one before, he was larger than all of the others with exception of the leader. Yet it was more in a well rounded height than an obvious bulk of muscle.

The leader was a strong man, built of thick heavy muscle. This new person was simply a large person. Large enough to contend with that build off of genetics alone. As they pulled off their hoods and masks it was unsurprising to find that both were men with deep blue hair. However the one that she had not met had dark eyes, so dark they were almost black, blending in with his pupil in places. His skin was the slightest bit warmer than the others, closer to her own. Her mother had very light skin but her father had dark everything, eyes, hair, and deep honey skin that darkened dramatically in the sun. The only thing she'd really inherited as far as physical appearance was her curls and her nose shape.

Her aunt used to say that she had his smile, even his expressions in general. Every time she would make certain faces her aunt would laugh and say 'there it is, that's Euros written all of your face' it had always made Lithias laugh. It took a moment for Lithias to realize she had lost herself in her raging fever. She was now laying on her back again, facing upward as the three men spoke around her. She felt a touch on her forehead and a curse, she turned expecting to meet the ocean eyes of Healer but instead it was the midnight eyes of the newcommer. The man's eyes met hers for a moment and she could faintly make out that he was swearing in her first language over the sound of the blood rushing in her ears.

"Well, you'll never make that mistake again. Wards should always be placed properly." The man said in her first language again. This time she was sure she heard it. It took a few moments for her mind to catch up to what he had said before she opened her mouth to speak. He silenced her with a raise of his hand. "I am the only person you are likely to meet for a long time who will use this tongue." That was somewhat satisfying and given the fact he was here in the first place and she was still alive meant a lot. If he had been her enemy it would have been as easy as telling these men what she was to have her thrown out into the elements. More likely, they'd finish her off and at least attempt to kill her boys as well.

She was getting worked up again when she felt his hand rest on her burning skin. She felt her eyes start to close in a matter of moments and the pounding in her ears stopped just in time for her to hear the slightest murmur of an ancient language as she drifted off.

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