Part 23: Open Fields Ahead

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Song: Heart of Stone - Iko

Lynsias was quick to finish saddling Wolf because he was done and at her side before the group rounded the opening that led into their section of the building. Four men, stocky with dark features, were storming in angrily. Everyone in the stable was instantly on high alert. Althira and Lynsias moved at once. Lynsias grabbed Lithias's shoulder and guided her to where she would stand between his mount and hers. He was facing the group approaching from behind the horses while Althira stood on the side of her facing the stable hand. Lithias kept her eyes on the ground but her hands had found their way to her sides, disappearing in the depths of her cloak to arm herself discretely. Nausea rippled in her stomach and she latched onto the tether to relieve herself slightly from the onslaught.

She noted that Lynsias tensed as he felt it, though he only seemed to beckon more in her mind. She hoped he wouldn't strain himself for her sake due to recent revelations. The group approached and Lithias heard the stable master jogging behind them, arguing about paying customers and a boys ego. Lithias was sure that even Cub understood what was happening as the men came to a halt a few paces away from them. The boy from the Inn was also among them, Lithias was tempted to glance up and see if he was cowering or if he was putting on a brave face in front of his family. She knew the look he must be receiving from the Knight in front of him must have made the one he'd received in the hall look like a friendly greeting.

"You'll be receiving no more business here, the sale of these horses included." One man finally declared, he sounded older than the others they'd spoken with. Likely a father or uncle. Lithias felt a furry form brush her leg and looked down to see Cub standing beside her. His ears forward and alert, the slightly longer hair on his spine was raised to form a sort of ridge down his spine. His tail swished as he watched the scene in front of him. Wolf stomped uncomfortably and the other horses all had their ears turned back as they shifted anxiously. Lithias risked a gentle directing of her essence in their directions. They were calm now, but alert as Althira spoke. "Seems the man accepts his deal, we are ready to leave. It would be best to let us."

Her tone was diplomatic but the warning that lied underneath was clear. What made it more unnerving was how she spoke in fluent Mountain Tongue. There was some shuffling and Lithias listened as the stable hand edged his way around to stand with his group. Althira was now nearly pressed against her back to face the group as a whole. Lithias could feel as her arm, hidden by Lithais's form, drew a blade into her hand. She could feel the slight buzz from one of her weapons being activated. Lithias knew she would never miss if she threw one and the damage would be lethal even indirectly but she was sure Althira had deadly accuracy.

Cub sidled up to her, his ears pulled back as he placed himself near his companion. Wolf and the other horses were clearly uncomfortable as they shifted. She knew that the mare was still not properly tacked so if they had to make a get away she would have to be left behind if she didn't choose to follow. Lithias would not coerce her to choose one way or the other, she didn't want any more lives at stake because of hers than there had to be. "Just who do you think you are, eh? Coming into our home and parading that filth around, tainting our quiet sanctuary. What's worse is you let it roam around loose and insult my son!" One of the men shouted, his voice thick and angry. He wasn't the only one angry.

Lithias had to clench her hands hard around her blades to prevent from lighting them in rage. Her magic hummed and she did everything she could to keep it from being audible to everyone in the room. As she was now, she could hear a slight melody beginning to surround her. She was staying to herself, not bothering a soul the entire time she'd been in the village. The only person she'd spoken to at all was the boy mentioned and he'd surely instigated that. She'd even saved him from a sure beating by calling off Althira that morning and this was how he chose to repay her? She had half a mind to pummel him herself. See if his father could do anything to stop her with Althira and Lynsias there.

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