Part 21: Divergent Fates

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Song: I'd rather be alone - Bloodahki

There were several long moments heated silence as the three thought. Lithias waited for them to understand, to agree. Instead she was met with something else when Althira finally shook her head and sighed. "It doesn't change anything. If anything, this makes it more true. You didn't choose this, you are a victim. Of fate more than just the world you were born into. You've lived in complete isolation for years to protect the world. I think it is time yo have some companionship. Who better than two knights to be present and aware if you were to loose it one day. As much as it would kill me, I could not allow you to live in a world that my people belong to." Lithias didn't like where this was going. She knew she'd lost this argument immediately and tears only fell faster as it unfolded without her stopping it.

"As leaders of the Highest Tribe it is more than our duty to you that reenforcers the notion we should stay together. As the only two people alive that know the truth about your identity and ability we are obligated to stay with you and train so that we may prevent another End if you.." She trailed off as if she didn't know how to phrase it. Lithias shook her head. "It would be safer to kill me." Althira glared at her. "No, your life is not worthless. There is the very real possibility that you will never loose yourself. You are possibly the most informed beastborne to walk this planet and you have the two of us to help. Between the tether and our spellcraft it should be possible that there will be a day that you never have to worry about it again." The tears wouldn't stop and Lithias's entire body shook as she sobbed over the implications of such a statement.

She'd never be alone again. There was a chance she could live a life where she no longer had to debate the morality of her own suicide. She could live a life where she didn't have to wonder if every breath she took brought the world closer to ruin. Althira reached forward and wrapped her arms around her shaking frame. Lithias reluctantly returned the embrace and she felt a large hand make contact with her bare knee as Althira and Lithias as they hugged in front of Lynsias. Calm emotion soothed her only slightly as she cried.


Lithias was the first to wake the next morning and she found herself quite tangled. Her head was pressed against Lynsias's chest but somewhere along the line Althira had managed to end up behind her so she was sandwiched between them like she had been the past few nights. The other woman had an arm slung across Lithias's torso and a leg over her left leg. Her face was pressed into Lithias's hair. Lithias had her other leg thrown over Lynsias who was lying on his back with his arm out to support her head as she curled against him, she noted that his hand was tangled in Althira's hair as if he were reaching for her. She suddenly felt as if she were intruding. Lynsias and Althira were a couple closer than any other she'd ever known and she'd managed not only to find herself in their bed, but literally between them.

Blinking a few time she sat up carefully after a few moments of enjoying the warmth and comfort of the sheets. Althira stirred when Lithias crawled over her but Lithias shushed her and quietly bid she go back to sleep, saying she would be back after relieving herself. Althira protested sleepily but was happy to slide into Lynsias's arms when he rolled over and reached out in his sleep. Lithias watched only long enough to be sure they were asleep. She was happy to find that her clothes were dry after she'd washed them after dinner so she redressed quickly. She only glanced at the self emptying chamber pot for a brief moment before exiting the room entirely. Her cloak was still downstairs by the front door but she didn't want to bumpy into anyone, especially the grouchy inn keeps, without Althira or Lynsias so she ducked her head and turned the opposite direction when she reached the bottom of the stairs.

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